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Wizard forcewall spell change
I think a good quality of life change to this spell would be to make it appear 1 tile in front of the wizard that casts it. It would be a lot more viable for defense and easier to block off doorways.
I've thought this as well before, but there is a slight problem there that sort of makes this a slight debuff to the spell, and the spell is already one of the weaker ones.

That is, this spell can be used to great effect as an escape ability while running away from someone since it puts you in the center of the force field and can leave from 2 directions. So you just click in while running down a 3 tile wide hallway and that seals your escape and forces them to make a detour through maintenence or something.

If it spawned in front of you, you'd have to stop and turn around to get the same effect, which can be the difference between life and death in a chase.

Edit: a good idea might be to teleport the wiz 1 tile in the direction they are facing (as long as there's nothing in the way) so it looks like the wall spawns behind them instead of on them.
(04-16-2020, 03:35 PM)kyle2143 Wrote: I've thought this as well before, but there is a slight problem there that sort of makes this a slight debuff to the spell, and the spell is already one of the weaker ones.

That is, this spell can be used to great effect as an escape ability while running away from someone since it puts you in the center of the force field and can leave from 2 directions. So you just click in while running down a 3 tile wide hallway and that seals your escape and forces them to make a detour through maintenence or something.

If it spawned in front of you, you'd have to stop and turn around to get the same effect, which can be the difference between life and death in a chase.

Edit: a good idea might be to teleport the wiz 1 tile in the direction they are facing (as long as there's nothing in the way) so it looks like the wall spawns behind them instead of on them.
Why not make it a spell you aim? 

Either the wall forms in relation to which direction you're facing and where you click, or you could click twice to set the wall start and stop points
I don't know, the wizard is all about hit and run, and the forcewall as is now greatly helps with their ability to assess their two path options and pick the better without backing themself into a dead end. That and I think from the aspect of how the spell works in game in my mind is that is projects itself out from the wizard's staff/hands, out to their sides, until the wall is complete.

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