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Let there be milk
This suggestion is a simple one. Add milk.

For too long has my cereal been dry and bland. For too long has my bar been white russian-less and calcium free. For too damn long has my naptime been without warm milk. The humble space cow needs milking damnit!
Where is my milk!

Oh and whatever other things could be added that interact with milk I guess...but mostly the milk thing.
We....we do have milk.....
TheRedScare Wrote:We....we do have milk.....

We do? Huh...I...I have never seen have I never seen it?
it is literally in milk bottles and is a chemical called "milk"

check the fridge you blind doofus
Well this is awkward...I am a blind chef...

I would still like a white russian and other milk based items at least though.
I'd love more drinks for the bar to mix, too. Extend the booze list to fit more drink types (champagne, white wine, tequila whatever just more), expand it into a mini-branch of chemistry, maybe it'll bring some more fun into Bar Lyfe.
I would like for a way to create milk. The chef only starts with a few bottles, and he also has a limited amount of cheese. Giving us some way of producing milk in Botany would be the start of a glorious new era in cheese sandwiches.
Captain_Bravo Wrote:I would like for a way to create milk. The chef only starts with a few bottles, and he also has a limited amount of cheese. Giving us some way of producing milk in Botany would be the start of a glorious new era in cheese sandwiches.
Why not just ask the QM? It would give them something to do other then make mountains of money to buy novelty clothing, booze, and monkeys to put in novelty clothing.
Captain_Bravo Wrote:I would like for a way to create milk. The chef only starts with a few bottles, and he also has a limited amount of cheese. Giving us some way of producing milk in Botany would be the start of a glorious new era in cheese sandwiches.

there is a way, soybeans in the processor
mozi Wrote:there is a way, soybeans in the processor

absolutely not. soymilk ain't right

also i second the more booze suggestion. i would enjoy a daiquiri or something
You can also make a stupid amount of cheese with only one milk.
Creca Space Milk
(contains no milk)

I like it
soymilk is just milk in a different labeled bottle

also to make cheese--
the cheesy (eh) method is to use a fire extinguisher to mass produce it
the artisan craft making way is to combine milk and vomit.
the bartender usually has a good supply of the latter lying around
mozi Wrote:soymilk is just milk in a different labeled bottle

also to make cheese--
the cheesy (eh) method is to use a fire extinguisher to mass produce it
the artisan craft making way is to combine milk and vomit.
the bartender usually has a good supply of the latter lying around

Add milk and vomit to fire extinguisher you are now a cheesy artist
Make the chef go into space and harvest x-drone milk.

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