MechaDaleEarnhardt's HoS Application
(ahead of time, sorry for the length, split it up into segments to make it a little more bearable to read. like holy fuck i got carried away. yeah yeah i know hos applications probably arent supposed to be this big but i'd rather go into detail about it because conveying my thoughts and junk's better than trying to condense it. unless i have to condense it. in that case : oh ghod o   h no)

Usual character name: Digornio Pizzarelli / Dirty Larry Renegade Cop
BYOND username: MechaDaleEarnhardt
Discord username (if you are on our discord): digornio mentorelli
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: the not rp one

Reason for application: A few months ago, I tried playing as a Security Officer alot more. I really enjoyed playing as a beatcop, decided to stick around with the job. People have occasionally been yelling at me at me to apply for HoS, so I decided; "hey scrooge it i'll do it". I like fun, I think the HoS can be a fun role, I like being a cop, here I am here I be. The statements before the following sentence are lies I actually am applying exclusively for the hat. Future Digornio please cross this part out when you post it and dont forget to remove this specific sentence it'll be funny probably

Security experience (300 word minimum):

Security's generally the role I play after Scientist, Botanist, Doctor or Bartender. I've opted into and played nearly every Antagonist role, and I've fought against them aswell. It's also one of the few roles that, in my opinion, you can have a fun time teaming up with your coworkers. It's also one of the few roles that requires you to have some forethought and competence to your actions. Security's an engaging, joyous role, one of the few that make you feel like you're actually in a team.

I mainly enjoy the combat part of Security. While I don't play exclusively to wreck nerds, I do think a large part of being an officer's working with the other officers on shift and working towards keeping the natural chaos of a round to an acceptable level.

Powergaming's also a harsh 'no' while playing as security, as my philosophy towards being a fantastic cop is to use what's given to you. At roundstart, you have everythingyou need to fight crime. Going even a little further beyond that is, in my opinion, a bit unfair for everyone involved. A competent security force is generally already one of the strongest forces on the station, there's no need to go too far beyond that.

Big info about my playstyle : I usually don't follow Space Law to a T, generally giving crimes based on their severity varying times in the brig. I also generally don't  try to kill most antagonists, either stripping them of some of their antag-oriented gear and giving them a 3-4 minute sentence, or giving them a different kind of punishment judging on the kind of shenanigans they were up to (E.G Some badguy stapled a horribly deadly weapon as an arm = loss of either Arms or Legs. Draining some of the crew of their blood as a vampire equates 1-2 minutes in the brig and having their jobtitle changed to "I AM AN EVIL DRACULA DONT TRUST ME".) Repeat offenders get harsher punishments.

Generally, if an evil badman gets four sessions in the brig, they're probably going to face a cop in the wrestling ring for their final punishment. Barring certain antagonists like Changelings, Nukeops, Wizards using painful spell combos and Traitors that are going on a rampage, they (hopefully) get to live a lengthy existence filled with dreading any incoming arrests and confiscations from mallcops.

Being a mentor, I've tried to play the occasional HoS round on fridays. Some rounds were cool, some weren't. Glad I'm able to try out the role on friday because I've been yelled at by a few people regarding my playstyle. I relied on flashes far too often, and I usually crept into medical to snag a few supplies at the start of the round; (E.G Menders, Calomel, Mannitol, Charcoal.) I took some words to my cold, cold heart, and cut those habits out.

From my understanding, being a cool cop / HoS isn't about relying on completely protecting the station, but being a pretty fair opponent to troublemakers / antagonists with what tools you're given. I don't like it too much when I see a Head of Personnel going Sec-HOP, so being honest about it, ass-pulling something to make you win is annoying to me, I felt like it was hypocritical, so I stopped doing it.

Answer two or more of the following:

    What advice would you give to other sec players?

Four words. "STAY COOL, BE COOL."
It's a crappy, cringeworthy way of saying "There's a good chance you're going to be overwhelmed, but don't let that stop you from doing your best and being a fun person to play with/against along the way."


When something happens relating to either antagonists or someone doing something, odds are that either someone's going to be injured, or someone wants you to stop someone else. Is there evil afoot? You're the one that's supposed to deal with it. From even the most minor annoyances to the ones that require elbowgrease and harmbatoning, you're going to be the one to deal with it.

While Security Officers are primarily meant to deal with antagonists and troublemakers, often times they should get help from outside sources. Is there a blob? A Scientist with some know-how on chemistry's someone to call. Got a Wraith or a Vampire problem? Chaplain's an important ally. Revolutionaries? Get your ass down to Cargo and loyalty-implant a Quartermaster to help you get some more anti-uprising gear.

Additionally, Security Officers are usually going to have to dart from one end of the station to the other. Maybe they need need to head into space, or to a specific, obscure part of maintenance. Knowing how to prioritize tasks and knowing map layouts is very, very helpful in this regard; (Goonhub's a good resource to check out maps. You can also see the current map by pressing the 'map' button ingame on the top right of the screen!)

Security Officers are important to a round both in terms of keeping a bottleneck on chaos and preventing a lawless wasteland from forming, but law enforcement isn't always vital. There's always going to be people who have a vendetta against someone else due to something comparatively minor, or there's going to be someone who did a few things that may skirt the line between antagonist and non-antagonist. Perhaps it's just really hard to tell what someones intentions are. In these cases, it's best to either compromise, give a lighter sentence, or just let them go.

From firsthand experience, I can say wholeheartedly that going easy on most troublemakers isn't a cure-all. There's people who are going to act like pricks, there's people that'll complain regardless, there's people that'll say they they're in the right no matter what. It's important to note that Security Officers have the potential to be the griefiest, most annoying people to deal with. A single bad egg makes every officer look like one, so please! Be cool about it!

Security doesn't just deal with Antagonists. They deal with other players. Some people might get a vendetta against you if you act completely abhorrently, some might just due to the slick, mallcop uniform.

Just remember : You aren't a bad cop for making mistakes, and you aren't a bad player for playing security. You can never please everyone! If you're meant to have fun playing a game, then you're also meant to have fun playing a multiplayer game. Security isn't about powergaming and kicking the shit out of everyone. Being friendly and not acting like someone with a ticket that gives them a license to kill makes people treat you leagues better than the rest.

    What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)

There was one round that came to mind fairly quickly. I was playing a security officer, and had spawned with a blue Wizard's hat. Ditched my red outfit for the blue one and decided that I'm going to come up with wacky 'spell names' for all my weapons (E.G Taser is Magic Missile. Stun Baton is Lightning Bolt, junk like that.) and could only use them while shouting the spell's name.

The Head of Security says there's going to be a training drill of some kind and the security team, which is fairly booked, was told to attend it at Engineering. We were told that we're going to be fighting each-other in two teams of 2-3. I get the tar kicked through my teeth, and the drill is finished.

Fast forward a bit. The Head of Security, the beautiful bastard, gives me his Lawgiver because I'm "WizardSec" and I need a proper magic wand. Whilst I'm figuring out how to use it as he instructs me on what to do with it, I then get blown up and turned  by someone who threw exploding cigarettes near me and the gun gets stolen as I die a painful death. Overall it was a fun, timeless experience!
    Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.

When I play as a solo beatcop, I can admittedly be a little overwhelmed. At roundstart there could be any matter of antagonist or torrent of criminal scum faffing about at any moment. I play a little more cautiously, trying to get a few people and scenarios to fall back on, (E.G Handing my clone disk to the Captain or HoP, asking the AI for the Port-a-NanoMed Program.)

In a full security team, I tend to kick back a little more. I like to chat with other cops, and generally try to interact with the crew a decent bit more.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

    Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.

The Clown, patrolling in
a demons carrige. I hear the horn.
    What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?

Stealthcops. I've always wanted to have a shift where a full set of security officers either went plainclothed or dawned full-black outfits and nabbed Night Vision Goggles, hiding and sleuthing through maintenince until crime appeared, where the normal duties of being a cop would resume. Tactical anti-crime action.

    Draw a picture!

[Image: w9W2roc.png]

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): Never banned on Goon baybee! (Unless the lack of any 'banned' medal is lying to me)
didn't list me as a reference even though i've been pestering him to post this for a week, -1

Give the pizza man his beret already, hes more than earned it. +1
(02-24-2020, 05:03 PM)CaptainBravo Wrote: didn't list me as a reference even though i've been pestering him to post this for a week.

You pizza man you're damn right you're getting a pepperoni beret for your pizza head! +Infinity

Seriously, Dig is a very very VERY good security officer and is always fun while working the job amazingly!
Pizza man is great sec definite yes for HoS!
pizza man good. one of the easiest "yes" answers I've ever given
Nice sec off. +1
I'm also pro-pizza.
A great sec officer AND a great Italian-American dish. +1
Digornio is good, very good, maybe even the best.

How the heck is this not already approved. Mama Mia! Give this man the Spaghetti arrabiata!
+1 to Digornio, who is very good at fun/funny security and has a spot-on ticket game.
It definitely took a second pass to soak up the full glory of the material posted above.
Yeah I'm still admiring the picture

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