Mentor Application Leo Hastings- Geneticist Extraordinare
Usual Character Name: Leo Hastings
BYOND Username: T-man
Recommended by (if applicable): Dr. Swedlokim
Times Available: Sporadic. Usually around 7pm PST to 12 pm PST, except on weekends. Then whenever.

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): I've been helping people learn the game for a while now, but only when they're near me (and not annoying). I've taught lots of people the new Genetics especially - nearly every round when it was new. More than that I've helped people in (old) chemistry, Toxins, Telescience a few times, Singularity Engineering, some of the new engine stuff, and Botany. For the most part, I just like being able to help people. It's nice explaining to someone how a system works at it's very basics. Watching them "get" the idea behind a thing, and then seeing them hone that skill in future rounds is enjoyable. The main problem is A) there's often few mentors on and B) I can only help people in game face to face now, and being able to open up another avenue would be nice. I remember some guy on the SA forums asking about a hand teleporter - it was something really basic like "How do I make a portal" recently. But that sort of question shouldn't go on the forum - it should go to some mentor who will tell him the obvious (to him) solution. If that question (or any other basic easy ones) gets asked outside of the game then the mentor system has failed. And if I can help the mentor system be better, go me. I've been playing for what is nearly a year now pretty regularly and I can explain the basics pretty well - anyone who learned Genetics from me I hope can attest to that. More to the point, teaching new people things is fun. Watching them try to do Telescience the first time without doing the math for them, or looking over their shoulder in Genetics watching the connect of A to T slowly go from a hesitant waddle to the eventual faster than the computer speed of a pro. Getting more people to do jobs that usually get ignored would probably be a long-range goal of mine - everyone wants to be powerhungery Sec. their first few rounds - but being a Geneticist with a good buddy ready to give hints or a mentor who both knows stuff and wants to teach it to you would probably cut down on the number of people who act awful, get robusted and farted on, and then move on to some other awful server. To sum this rambling 1AM post up, I want to help people both for personal satisfaction from growing understanding and to cut down on newbie stupidity both in asking simple questions on forums and out of ignorance picking a easy to screw up job.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): Probably wouldn't want to live with the guy but if I ever need a spare candle or two I know that he'll spot me on it. Probably not more than that.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):
Uh, a job ban from Command jobs from December(?) (Appealed successfully)
A couple of temp bans for misc. stuff - I think the longest was two days recently.
Yeah man I can back you on this, you know your shit and I've seen you play as long as I have.
So yes from me.
You're not a mentor yet? This needs to be fixed. He is simply a great person to play with and is quite knowledgeable.
Yes. good guy. been around a long time.
~yes~ always happy to see this. Gotta get that purple text.
I don't see you often but when I do you are always helpful and knowledgeable.
he's cool mentor he
He's probably a lot more knowledgeable about the science side of things than I am, mentor he.
Leo is generally one of those people i will ask if i have a question in mind while wandering around the station, so if that doesn't say mentor, i don't know what would.

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