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They can't catch you if you're on fire!
Make being on fire cause people to be set on fire if they try and grab you and they aren't wearing fire suits.

For instance if you're a little bit on fire, you make others who hold you for too long take a bit of burn damage to the hands (mitigated by Igloves? (Because those aren't OP)) and perhaps set on fire if they keep you gripped long enough, if you're a walking head to toe inferno than they shouldn't even be able to grab (or be instantly set on 'level one' fire for their troubles with increasing levels of fire as they keep a hold)
When someone's literally covered in flames it should apply to disarms as well, since you're trying to wrestle something out of their hands(which are on fire).
1. Acquire Kelotane
2. Light self on fire
3. Robust everyone

I haven't actually played for quite a while, so I dunno if kelotane was renamed or something but i'm assuming it exists in some form still.
enforcer9 Wrote:1. Acquire Kelotane
2. Light self on fire
3. Robust everyone

I haven't actually played for quite a while, so I dunno if kelotane was renamed or something but i'm assuming it exists in some form still.

With the health code and chemistry changes? that's not /quite/ a viable option anymore, most of the medchems now heal less but over more time so you will most likely burn to death.

If you're lucky enough to get incendiary mitochondria and fire resistance on the other hand Twisted

Dauntasa Wrote:When someone's literally covered in flames it should apply to disarms as well, since you're trying to wrestle something out of their hands(which are on fire).

I've always imagined disarm as more along the lines of slapping it out of their hands in the girliest way possible. Plus gameplay wise that'd be super OP
Motherfucker Wrote:
Dauntasa Wrote:When someone's literally covered in flames it should apply to disarms as well, since you're trying to wrestle something out of their hands(which are on fire).

I've always imagined disarm as more along the lines of slapping it out of their hands in the girliest way possible. Plus gameplay wise that'd be super OP
Not really. You could still disarm them, but you'd also be on fire then. You'd still be able to pull the usual strategy of running up to the man with the lightsaber and snatching it right out of his hands and decapitating him with it, but if he was also engulfed in flames now you are also engulfed in flames.
Adding stupid features based on Dr. McNinja T-shirts is a bad idea.

Adding stupid features that allow suicidal greyshirts to burn the entire crew using only their ingenuity and innate attraction to fire is brilliant.
also i think it would be neat if all of your hair burnt off if you caught ablaze
This is simply brilliant. I would love to see a changeling attempt to eat the seemingly helpless staff assistant only to get a proboscis full of fire from the assistant popping incendiary mitochondria.
Additionally equipment should burn off when you're on fire (jumpsuits, ect) the same way as it does when on the floor

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