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Allow a short window to bring someone back to life
Currently the number of ways to bring people back to life are few. Usually, there is only cloning or borging. As someone who frequently plays as a Medical Doctor, one of the most frustrating things that can happen is when someone dies while under my care.

In addition, if someone sabotages Cloning, suddenly there's pretty much nothing you can do if you don't have SR on you (Which, come on, not everyone has the chance to make some)

I think it'd be a welcome change if there was a short timer after death (60 seconds?) where if you use a Defibrillator on a dead person, it has a chance to revive them. This wouldn't remove the need for cloning, as the timer is short enough that it can really only be taken advantage of by doctors who are already on the scene. Furthermore, perhaps the body would have to be under a certain damage threshold (better than -100% health?) in order to be eligable for defibrillation revival?

edit: I assume that it would heal all OXY damage upon revival similar to how Strange Reagent does, so the health threshold would only apply to a combined TOX/BURN/BRUTE amount
I'm ambivalent. On one hand it's a classic trope, but on the other hand I feel like it's already kinda super hard to die on goon. Especially with a good doctor at hand.

Just yesterday I was in crit from a changeling attack for about a minute when I was healed to full by a mime who did cpr while shoving fish fil a and triple citrus down my throat. medicine on goon is very strong and varied and hilarious as hell

basically, it feels to me like it's not really necessary and cheapens good doctoring a teeny bit. maybe if doctoring were harder, but I also don't want doctoring to be harder. I dunno. mixed feelings from me.
How about adding a debris field defibrillator that does this, maybe it's taken off of the set of a popular action movie?
Cloning and Borging is fine. If cloning is gone then borg them. If they dont want to be borged well thats on them. Right now medicines are very strong if you learn to use them. If you are playing as a medical doctor in the game you should learn how they work so people dont just die when you are healing them.
(01-18-2020, 11:34 AM)KikiMofo Wrote: Cloning and Borging is fine. If cloning is gone then borg them. If they dont want to be borged well thats on them. Right now medicines are very strong if you learn to use them. If you are playing as a medical doctor in the game you should learn how they work so people dont just die when you are healing them.

Every lifetick when person has below -100 health has a chance to instadeath. What can you 'learn' if they have, for example, 300TOX?
Apply Atropine.

Atropine significantly lowers your chance of death. Just don't use it on someone who isn't already dying, cause it will start putting them in crit.
I am aware of what Atropine does and I use it often. And I'm not suggesting that this should be a 100% chance to revive someone from death, I do not believe it should replace cloning.
(01-18-2020, 12:44 PM)Technature Wrote: Apply Atropine.

Atropine significantly lowers your chance of death.  Just don't use it on someone who isn't already dying, cause it will start putting them in crit.

Atropine, at least from what I'm seeing in 2016 code, does NOT change anything that has to deal with random death-chance - in fact, no chem does. So unless something was changed, your solution is moot.
the reason why atro, epi, and salbutamol make good anti-death chems for people dying is because the former 2 stop heart failure along with all of them reversing the oxy damage that would normally kill and tick up on someone or put them further into crit while other chems you apply do their work
Isn't this what SR is for?
(01-18-2020, 04:34 PM)Mouse Wrote: Isn't this what SR is for?

True we already also have Strange Reagent if borging and cloning are not something you want. I know for a fact some MDs run around with a syringe of SR just in case they didn't make it in time.
(01-18-2020, 04:34 PM)Mouse Wrote: Isn't this what SR is for?

Quote:Which, come on, not everyone has the chance to make some
I hate to say this, but considering the Pathos lab has a chem dispenser on most maps and that all the recipes for SR are on the wiki, the Mdir and doctors can very easily get everything they need to make it with wine being the hardest thing to get. (you can get omnizine by draining blood from someone who's eaten a warm donk)
You can also just straight up BUY SR at D.O.C.
I think that generally the Amount Of Time It Takes To Die is Good now. It feels bad to have your patients die while you're treating them, but because They Can Die, it makes being a doctor and healing someone who is dying more exciting. I enjoy tense moments where it's up in the air whether a patient will come through or not, and I think this change would dampen or get rid of that feeling, as revival would be too easy. The window for using a defib is when they have cardiac arrest, not when they've already died.

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