This feature is intended as a potential replacement for the existing clothes vending machine (or an entirely separate entity) that aims to deliver a user friendly interface for players to purchase and preview clothing as well as being coder-friendly to add items to later. Mainly, this booth is a place to put all the random articles of clothing players sprite without having to scramble to find a place to put them or damn them to the depths of a QM crate.
Primary Gameplay Features:
- Rendering clothing on a player sprite preview
- Scalable UI
- Big Friendly Buttons
- Purchasing clothes with your stolen Hard-Earned Cash
- Dragging players out of the booth after having a moral existential crisis
- 100% more goblins
Primary Coderland Features:
- Easy to use format for adding items to categories and setting their prices
- Items with duplicate category names will be added to the same category
Showcase Video:
Pull Request:
P.S. Thank you to all the people who put up with me this past week. This never would have been finished without you.
Primary Gameplay Features:
- Rendering clothing on a player sprite preview
- Scalable UI
- Big Friendly Buttons
- Purchasing clothes with your stolen Hard-Earned Cash
- Dragging players out of the booth after having a moral existential crisis
- 100% more goblins
Primary Coderland Features:
- Easy to use format for adding items to categories and setting their prices
- Items with duplicate category names will be added to the same category
Showcase Video:
Pull Request:
P.S. Thank you to all the people who put up with me this past week. This never would have been finished without you.