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[feature] printing press and bookshelves
hey you

yes you

have you ever wanted to make a book in this video game we all play called space station 13??


well fuck you because i made this patch for all the nerds who do want to make books

ok jokes aside, this is a pretty cool patch i think, and i hope everyone likes it. big thanks to atamus valeo for the printing press sprite, and to pali, moonlol, aleks and schwick for contributing custom book stuff sprites!! i featuretested everything, and i think i caught most of the bugs, but please let me know on discord (@adhara#8008) if there's a bug that i didnt catch and ill update the patch

what it adds:
  • qm: press refill crate has 1 ink cartridge and 2 paper bins
  • qm: printing press cover crate has the custom covers upgrade
  • qm: printing press color crate has the custom ink colors upgrade
  • qm: printing press crate has a mechanics printing press frame inside of it AND a written warning about the wall deletion stuff
  • a new machine - the printing press! this 2x1 bad boy has a little menu that lets you design books to print
  • by default, it has a few options, set cover, set info, set contents, set amount, print books
  • set cover allows you to chose one of a predetermined bunch of book covers for books that are already in the game
  • set info lets you set the books title, and the author of the book
  • set contents is where you put the book contents, has a limit right now of 4096 characters (but can be increased easy in the code)
  • set amount lets you set how many books you want to print, as long as its between 0 and 35
  • print books initiates the print mode, and it prints books with the info you set. each book takes 2 sheets of paper and 2 ink to produce. 
  • click on a printing press with paper or paper bins to refill it, it can hold a max of 70 paper. 
  • using the custom ink color upgrade on the press unlocks a menu option, ink color, that lets you set what color the text in the book will be
  • using the custom cover upgrade is a huge upgrade, and it turns the customisability of your book to like, 11
  • clicking on the customise cover menu option allows you to select a cover color, symbol, and flair
  • the cover color is what color the base cover of your book is
  • for symbols, you can choose from colourable, normal, or alchemical
  • for flairs, you can choose from colourable or normal
  • using an ink cartridge on the printing press adds 100 ink. the printing press has an internal reservoir of 500 ink.
  • legend has it that there's a sketchy upgrade cartridge sold by an unscrupulous merchant that adds a bunch of crazy flairs, symbols and covers to your press

  • bookshelves! make them from wood from trees
  • using a bookshelf parts in ur hand opens a menu where u can select 1 of 4 bookshelf types to build
  • click on a bookshelf with a book to add it to the shelf, click the shelf to get a menu where u can choose what books to remove
  • standalone is a small shelf that doesnt connect to any other shelves, and it can hold 17 books
  • middle is the building block of the infinity shelf. when placed, it automatically adheres to the tile behind it, so try to place it near walls please because thats its natural habitat, it can hold 29 books
  • left end cap is the left end piece of the infinity shelf, it behaves like the middle shelf, and can hold 27 books
  • right end cap is the right end piece of the infinity shelf,  it behaves like the middle shelf, and can hold 27 books
  • click an empty bookshelf with a wrench to disassemble it into bookshelf parts
important mergey stuff:
Azungar said he was gonna finish bookshelf construction for me. 
All the dmis and sounds you need are in the download links, dont go off of github theres some stuff i was working with in there thats just tempora
compare link
videos: (about 9ish minutes long, its kinda long but u can fast forwards thru bits ur not interested in, sorry)
sound download:
dmi downloads (zipped folder of like 4 dmis):
Extremely cool. I wish I was as cool as this patch.
A patch so nice, it got a thread twice!
Awesome stuff. Books definitely need to persist between rounds, it'd be a shame to do all that work and not have it immortalized.
Whoa!!!! Yes yes yes! Book customization good! Book reprinting good! Book interactivity GOOD!!!!

Merge it merge it!!!
(01-12-2020, 05:29 PM)Vengarr Wrote: Awesome stuff. Books definitely need to persist between rounds, it'd be a shame to do all that work and not have it immortalized.

Agreed! Perhaps instead of the persistence being coded, we could have a sticky in General Discussion where people could submit their bee erp, excellent poems and the like to be included in game?

Great patch, one of those things that should've been in the game ions ago.
Fuck this is a cool patch. Could totally make instructional books and funny stories to be kept between rounds. This is a fun yet niche patch and it's great big grin
could a really cool persom with post editing powers change the name from bookshelves to printing press and bookshelves i dont know what happened to the name
You should be able to change it with a Full edit.
Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye

I love it, I endorse it, I want it
So cool!
I've literally fixed my busted forums account to say that I approve of this patch and would love for it to be merged. It'd be great for both silliness and RP.
Does this need Azungar's stuff to be done or can it just be put in and azungar can finish stuff later
(01-21-2020, 12:21 PM)Zamujasa Wrote: Does this need Azungar's stuff to be done or can it just be put in and azungar can finish stuff later

i personally think the azungar stuff can be added later as an Expansion-Pak:tm:

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