Enakai's HoS Application
Usual character name: Knight Torun (K.N.I.G.H.T as a cyborg)

BYOND username: Enakai

Discord username (if you are on our discord): Account name is sleep#4771, however I am named Enakai on the discord.

Recommended by (if applicable): AleksAdamska/LizzyDamska

Goon servers you play: I pretty much only play on Goon 2.

Reason for application: 

Security has been a job that I always enjoy playing and I believe I am confident enough to take it to the next level. I thoroughly enjoy the interactions I have with other crew members (most of the time, at least, heh!) and enjoy the teamwork approach to the game that Security Officer provides. After having a few different Heads of Security guide and teach me about the job, I now desire to do the same for other officers. I think that the most enjoyable shifts occur when the security team is working together and able to approach different scenarios with a relaxed mindset and the HoS role is the perfect figurehead position for organizing aforementioned rounds.
Security experience (300 word minimum): 

I haven't been around for years as a lot of the other applicants have (started around April this year?), however I have been playing security pretty consistently (I hope) for around a month and a bit. Recently, the only times I'm not on sec is when I end up rolling antag or jump onto cyborg for the round. I would say it's my main role and the one I enjoy the most.

I play both low and high pop, though I think I tend to play during the quieter times due to timezones and all that other jazz. I have definitely had my ups and downs as a security officer, but I believe that also digging into other roles to expand my game knowledge (research and medical mainly) has significantly helped me become a more efficient, robust officer. I always try to be as balanced and fair as possible when approaching how to punish captured antagonists and have attempted to improve on my weakness of being too lenient towards crimers (this has backfired and caused problems for crew in the past which I have been criticized for).

I try to always encourage interactions between Security and regular crew on shift as I find that even an attempt at roleplaying and building friendships during the round with other people can make or break a shift for an officer, particularly when things get hectic. Having conversations with crew and assisting them with menial tasks is one of my favourite things to do, as it proves that the role isn't all about kicking ass and arresting every crimer that breathes. There's a really enjoyable social aspect to the job that I don't think a lot of people capitalize on, which is a shame because if I were to become a HoS, it is definitely something I would encourage. I pride myself on my ability to communicate with fellow officers and consider myself a good team-player. You won't catch me slacking when it comes to vital information, callouts and working together!

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
Learn how to keep a cool head! It's something I've had to work on myself and am getting better at (I hope). Remaining cool, calm and collected is a surefire way to have an enjoyable round. Don't sweat the small stuff, the staff assistant calling 'shitsec!' over radio after he receives a ticket really isn't worth your time, just keep on truckin' and do your best. The best security in my opinion are the ones who can bring a balance of communication, placidity, and lightheartedness to the table. Being an immortal mega-robust demon isn't all that much, but giving everyone an equal opportunity to enjoy themselves during a shift is vital to a good time. Everyone has something to improve upon, so don't be afraid to ask questions whether they be directed towards other security or even the clown harassing you at the front door!
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
My favourite security moment would have to be the duel I had with Jeffery Jefferson in the chapel that spiraled into a clusterfuck of absolute chaos. The admemes had spawned him in as a hardmode traitor and given him a katana and kimono to accentuate his inner weeb and I challenged him to a duel. His blade versus my stun baton. Simple fighting rules were that there were no rules! If I won, I got his blade. If he won, I died. Probably. I ended up winning through a stroke of luck (he was a little out of practice with the special attack) and picked up his sword, removing his arm in the process with it. I dragged him off to the medbay checkpoint near the chapel on cogmap 1 to get him fixed up and all of a sudden, the ship received a warning that a nuclear bomb had been planted. Oh my. He gave me one look, pointed at the blade and then the operating table.

"You know what to do, Knight. Attach it to me in place of my missing arm."

I slapped him down on the table and stapled that bad boy on. Turns out, the nuclear bomb was planted right outside the room we were in, in the bar. I opened the door for him and like a proud father watching his son go off to war, observed with a tearful smile as he jumped into the fray with his sword-arm like some wannabe anime protagonist. I followed shortly after, of course. Unfortunately, I was gunned down in a rather brutal fashion before I could do much and he managed to remove the arm of the commanding syndicate officer before being eliminated himself. We died as honourable samurai that day.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?

I personally think that a comprehensive, easy-to-understand written guide that newer security players are linked to would be a huge help for them. When I started off I was using Beesmarks guide to robust security, however I am unsure if it is very out-of-date or not. It was a massive help for me starting off at least, though I had to dig for a bit to find it. Other than that, I'm not sure what else I could suggest at this point in time.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

[*]Draw a picture!

I drew a bee with a knight helmet! Excuse the terrible paint job.

[Image: u86wzLV.png]

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): 

I have only received one ban and that was shortly after I had begun playing. I was chem-bombing medbay as a non-antag like an asshat and was promptly slapped on the wrist for it. Sorry about that, to whomever had to deal with it. Definitely not my proudest moment.
Knight is fun, helpful, and an all around great sec officer. Good app, and the bee with the knight helmet is uber cute! Definitely deserving of the beret.
Good app, seen them being a good sec player, yeah they'd be good at HoS.
Knight is a fun, reliable sec officer to work with and to play against, which makes him definitely fit for the job in my book. +1
Knight Torun is one of the most reliable members of security. Usually one of the few I know will seek out other members of sec and work as a pair when things get hairy. I've never seen them hand out an overly mean judgement in my handful of rounds working with them.
Def a +1 for Knight, solid player and sec member
i've been away from a bit so I have no direct experience w/u but I really love your app and I think you'd make a fine HoS
I remember Knight Torun didn't flip the fuck out and murder me or permabrig me or tie me to a hospital bed with a straightjacket after I broke into security and rode the segway around and crashed into them and the HoS and basically stopped them from doing anything useful until the syndicate showed up with a nuke. Also never seen them do anything negative while I was also playing as security so +1.
Yes for Knight, measured and fun in his responses to even dangerous antags. What solidified my opinion was the werewolf trial held on Manta where HoP refusing to attend the trial as a witness led to the werewolf's release on the basis of self defense against the HoP.
Absolutely +1 from me

Knight is always an A+++ security officer and has no flaws from any of my experiences with them

Absolutely heck yes
Definite +1 from me.
The gist is that it's a Yes from me, but there's something I want to bring up.

A few weeks ago, you, as a geneticist, and Horatio Jiggles, another geneticist, were shot with mutadone darts by Darrell McKinley, a security officer, because you two, primarily Horatio it seems, were breaking down walls in important areas with hulk. In response, the two of you beat them down and threw him out one of the Escape airlocks, claiming it was grief. I don't know what came of it, but I did remember adminhelping it.

Now, I'm not exactly counting this against you. 9 times out of 10, I've seen you act as a fair and just security officer who's surprisingly interactive with the crew--all good marks in my book. This incident is one of those 1 out of 10 moments, and it's the only such moment I can recall, so I don't think it's representative of your overall behavior.
Hi Studenter, I absolutely understand the concern. That moment would definitely have to be one of the worst slip-ups I've ever had and I've been trying my hardest to make sure it doesn't occur again. While I didn't engage in the beating of Darrel McKinley, I was the one who threw him out of the airlock. I was very, very disappointed in myself and I ended up private messaging Silver on discord and writing up an apology, but I still feel really bad about it, even now. I hope I can prove to you that it won't happen again. Thank you for the kind words.
I have not played all that much as of late due to personal things, but I have semi-wondered why Knight Torun was never HoS. They're a very good security player and absolutely listens to the concerns of the crew and are a good team player when I am being a useless detective! Knight is fairly robust, but does not often resort to violence to resolve a situation, which points towards decent social skills.

Personally, I support Knight's application for the beret.
Knight is a great security officer, and absolute HOS material. He's a great team player and communicator, and it's always a pleasure to work with him whenever I see him in the shift. He plays along with gimmicks and knows when it's appropriate to escalate a situation or leave things alone, which is a really important trait for a HOS to have. As others have already said, violence isn't his first approach to dealing with difficult situations, which makes him more interesting to interact with for staff, miscreants and traitors.

Easy +1 from me, this guy has earned the beret.

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