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Ideas of questionable quality
Beepsky's squad car - a modified MULE that can automatically pick up nearby securitrons (or other bots), move to a destination, and dump em all out on the ground. Use it to flood remote areas with robots, or hoover up hallways filled with obnoxious securitrons. Also works with Buddies, but they dont fit in the thing, so they have to skitch along behind it like an adorable train of grinning microwaves.
Gang lockers have buyable Syndicate Hats, but they are yellow instead.
Placing an AI Interface Board into a body and reviving it with strange reagent should make an AI-controllable body.
Clown artifacts. Some inject you with a pathogen that gives you all the fart symptoms, some blow up into bananas, some teleport you to random station toilets, some release honkfartium and fartonium into the air, some inject you with rainbow fluid, some act like turrets except they throw cream pies, some replace your arms with pizza, and others just slowly produce endless monkeys. They pose as normal artifacts except when examined they have an additional line of text saying something like "it is covered in horn shaped markings!" Then when activated it transforms into a more clown-colored variation of itself.
A PDA module that allows you to take photos/selfies
Hoodies should have storage capabitily, for small items only and openable with click-drag.
ICY HOT STUNTAZ should be a possible gang name.
Would be real cool to see Ovary/Devstation/Trunkstation updated to modern standards and added into the rotation. I know that's asking for a lot but it's nostalgic for me.
Add food cooked using the new organs
Blowguns! Made out of bamboo stalks. You can fire syringes with them, causing the syringe to inject its contents once (so 5 units at most). Doing so makes you out of breath for a bit, preventing you from reusing them. Beware, you have a small chance of accidentally inhaling the syringe while using them, injecting all of its contents into you!
Add a bible to the afterlife bar.
(12-09-2019, 06:22 AM)Mouse Wrote: Add a bible to the afterlife bar.

As fun as this would be, we would have the issue of people in the afterlife bar being able to send stuff in/out of the bar. No from me, unless an additional item was created that did not have the inventory.
(12-09-2019, 08:11 AM)Comrade f191 Wrote:
(12-09-2019, 06:22 AM)Mouse Wrote: Add a bible to the afterlife bar.

As fun as this would be, we would have the issue of people in the afterlife bar being able to send stuff in/out of the bar. No from me, unless an additional item was created that did not have the inventory.

Its a bibble, and only works with other bibbles.
(12-09-2019, 08:11 AM)Comrade f191 Wrote:
(12-09-2019, 06:22 AM)Mouse Wrote: Add a bible to the afterlife bar.

As fun as this would be, we would have the issue of people in the afterlife bar being able to send stuff in/out of the bar. No from me, unless an additional item was created that did not have the inventory.

Oh shit, completely forgot about that feature.

Unrelated, but if you give an NPC monkey a pen and a blank sheet of paper they should write a (possibly mangled) line from Shakespeare.
You mean Reenact that whole "infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters will eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare" thing?

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