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Office Staplers No Longer Work For Surgery
surgery checks for:
surgery(var/obj/item/tool) if(remove_stage > 1 && tool.type == /obj/item/staple_gun) remove_stage = 0
this should be:
surgery(var/obj/item/tool) if(remove_stage > 1 && istype(tool,/obj/item/staple_gun)) remove_stage = 0
The intent clearly was to have red staplers work for surgery, as staplers used to literally just be staple guns with a manually edited sprite on the map:
/obj/item/staple_gun{desc = "A red stapler. No, not THAT red stapler."; icon = 'icons/obj/items.dmi'; icon_state = "stapler"; item_state = "stapler"; layer = 7; name = "stapler"}
My guess is that some coder decided that office closets should probably contain regular staplers instead of stapleguns like they used to:
/obj/storage/closet/office name = "office supply closet" desc = "Various supplies for the modern office." make_my_stuff() ..() [SNIP] var/obj/item/staple_gun/B6 = new /obj/item/staple_gun(src) B6.pixel_y = -5 B6.pixel_x = -4
and made a child object; probably /obj/item/staple_gun/red and since the surgery tool check does .type == instead of istype()... whatever coder did this broke office supply surgery.
I'm fairly confident this is fixed now. Earlier this day, I saw someone in the Afterlife Bar use the office stapler, among other things, to give Shitty Bill crowbar arms; the next round, I used similar tools to give myself a fork arm. Some things I'm not sure of: I haven't figured out if they've been reverted into staple guns, and in both these cases, the surgery was done on beds, so I don't know if there's any weirdness about only being able to do it on certain surfaces.
Oh yeah I fixed this a while ago im pretty sure. I'll move it.

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