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Mindslave ideas.
Mindslave implants as they are don't do much to engender cooperation between slave and master, my idea is simple, mindslave implants should prevent the slaved from using the harm intent on the implanter, additionally there should be a few minor powers for minslavers, such as 'muting' their slaves with a forced bout of frontal gyrus suspension (This would mean they could unmute with mutadone if they're determined to rat on you~) and killing your slaves remotely by causing them to stop breathing.
Also since I can't edit, the Kill thing is a bit iffy, I mean if you wanted a mindslave dead you could just order them to kneel down and accept your fire extinguisher (hypothetically, like mind slaves ever obey you mad), perhaps it slowly toxics them to death so they have the option of attempting to heal or escape...

This is dumb.

And so are you.

' motherfucker' practically all your posts are complaints or yelling for things to get nerfed, cheer up!! frown
but this would buff mindslave?? confused
Mindslave is considered one of the best situational traitor items. If you know any robust players are on, implant them and you can nearly auto win.

Having MORE control over them is just silly and not needed.
Currently mindslave doesn't actually do anything except throw a big red message in your face.

This way there would be mechanics behind the text, also how the fuck could you be against stopping a mindslave from shooting you dead the second you implant them?
No, mindslave gives you an order that you are breaking the rules to disobey. It's not fucking hard, if you mindslave someone and they try to kill you or run away screaming, Adminhelp it. Jesus.
Yeah that certainly fixes the damage already done v also quit getting mad over an idea. It's a hypothetical scenario and you're getting mad about it.

Besides, Admins are pretty rarely on lljk2 and adminhelping is usually answered by the cold vacuous silence of space. ~THA RUELS~ are great and all but if the guy you mindslave happens to whip out a stolen traitor revolver and put you down permanently and there's no admins about your round is over no matter how hard and loud you cry.
You do realize that adminhelps go to the IRC where admins tend to be hanging out regardless of whether they're actively playing, right? And that even if they don't personally step in and deal with shit in that exact round something bad happened, they can still deal with this kind of thing?

I completely fail to see why mindslave needs buffing. I can understand where you're coming from. You want mindslave implants to have some kind of in-game effect that physically stops you from disobeying them. But the fact of the matter is, if somebody murders you after you mindslave them, or refuses your orders, you can just adminhelp them; the risk of a ban is sufficient motivation for most people. I'm sorry that you got murdered by your mindslave and that the admins didn't swoop in to destroy him immediately, but uh, life is tough and I think everybody playing has been screwed over once or twice.

That was a real thing that happened to you, right? This seems like the kind of idea that gets motivated by someone getting mad about video games.
Dachshundofdoom Wrote:You do realize that adminhelps go to the IRC where admins tend to be hanging out regardless of whether they're actively playing, right? And that even if they don't personally step in and deal with shit in that exact round something bad happened, they can still deal with this kind of thing?

I completely fail to see why mindslave needs buffing. I can understand where you're coming from. You want mindslave implants to have some kind of in-game effect that physically stops you from disobeying them. But the fact of the matter is, if somebody murders you after you mindslave them, or refuses your orders, you can just adminhelp them; the risk of a ban is sufficient motivation for most people. I'm sorry that you got murdered by your mindslave and that the admins didn't swoop in to destroy him immediately, but uh, life is tough and I think everybody playing has been screwed over once or twice.

That was a real thing that happened to you, right? This seems like the kind of idea that gets motivated by someone getting mad about video games.

Why not just save the effort and type 'u mad lel'? but no, I don't actually use mindslave for this reason. (If I wanted to spend shitloads of telecrystals for something that doesn't do anything I'd buy a cloaking device and hurl it into space).
Honestly, the idea that anyone is going to ~RP~ being under your power just because they have one big red text saying so is so monumentally naive.
Except a ton of people do obey the mindslave because it's fun and they relish the opportunity to be a henchman.

If anything mindslaving just needs a noise and maybe a flash of light with it, I've personally fucked up and totally didn't notice I'd been mindslaved in the middle of a big fight when I was a traitor. The mindslave alert scrolled right off my screen while I was busy fighting the guards and I ended up killing the dude later... when he adminhelped and i realized his worthless jerk mindslave was me, I felt like quite a doofus!
The screech that the green toolbox plays would definitely grab attention.
Are you the kind of person who would do the things you are scared of happening to you?
Do you ignore the mind slave because all that is happening is big red text?
Because it would be dumb to play along right?

Its not dumb and you'd be dumb if you didn't play along with it.
Hi, I was wondering if we could make a pop up message display when you are mindslaved? Yesterday I didn't realise I got mindslaved (we were fighting and there was so much red text) and accidentally killed the mindslaver. You are stunned after a mindslave anyway so it shouldn't interrupt gameplay too much.

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