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Genetics Ideas/Discussion/Grumpin'
by less of it I mean you would only need the contents of one syringe to do the magic.
Seeing how injectors are kaput and probably won't come back, what if we re-add Stable Mutagen's old ability of transferring powers from person to person? Say you're a lone geneticist/RD and you have a monkey who has a superpower that you also have. Get the monkey's blood, mix it with SM and stabilizer, and inject yourself with it to activate it on yourself. Of course, if there are powers active that you DON'T have, Bad Things happen.

(Like activate a defect or two or something. Maybe massive tox damage, I dunno)
Now that we have two Genetics Consoles... when you scan someone with your PDA the information should be sent to both consoles. As it is it seems to randomise which one it sends it to, and sometimes no matter how many times you whack someone with your PDA it simply won't send it to the console you're working on.
i think it would be a good idea to remove the hair style unlocking thing

it's not really worth the time/resources just for 4 new hairstyles and the wizard beard
Bring back the Buddha powers as genetics skills.
DNA Sample scans should now be available from all scanners. Please confirm!
ISaidNo Wrote:DNA Sample scans should now be available from all scanners. Please confirm!
Yep. That happens now.
Make being a lizard a genetics thing (the ability to change species with rad emitters between monkey human and ??OTHER?? if you have the right gene sequence?), you can already do it with monkey cheese burgers, if you attached some unique advantages and disadvantages it'd be pretty neat and also a great way to get shocked to death by the AI for being mutant scum.

Advantages could be having claws instead of fists that do more brute or perhaps your scales serve to lower incoming brute and your cold blood makes it really easy to die of cold or makes it harder to recover from cold?
If anything being a lizard would make you MORE susceptible to cold because you rely on your environment for heat. Coldbloodedness and all.

I'm fine with genetics not having ways to turn people into monkeys anymore. Monkey code is weird and tends to screw things up and generally only the worst people want to be monkeys anyways. As for lizards, eh.

Besides, why take away one of the few things the kitchen/bar can do that no one else can? With genetics you can already become a stationary invisible mind reading freak who can wade through fire and/or space with impunitive ease while shouting into peoples' heads that they should kill themselves for your amusement. With the proper food from the kitchen you can become a monkey, lizard, or borg. Or get drunk off of nanites.
david2222121 Wrote:If anything being a lizard would make you MORE susceptible to cold because you rely on your environment for heat. Coldbloodedness and all.

I swear that's what I said? confused Also I dunno, I just never go near chef or kitchen because the chef is invariably horrible and there is no reason to eat at all.
Damn it I can't read today.

As for the kitchen being useless, there was a thread about making food more interesting and do some things, but I guess it petered out. And it's off topic here. Oh well.
how about some physical mutations

like a third arm, or a third leg (get your mind out of the gutter)

since you can come out of the cloner half-baked sometimes missing an arm, gurgling, vomiting blood, why not come out with a spare arm/ spare leg
you know what would be cool

if you could jump over tables and gaps/barriers with leap
Jumping over tables doesn't exactly seem like a good idea from a gameplay standpoint.

I mean sure it would make sense, but I can think of several places where having assistants jump over the table would only prove to get people tazed or murdered. The jobs room/HR/customs/whatever you want to call it.

Also that Security checkpoint next to mining.
Wouldn't that mean they need the locker left unlocked, though?

At least let jumping let you bound over peoples' heads, if nothing else. And if you end your jump on top of someone it's like you had crashed into them with a segway with you both knocked down.

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