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Thinktronic BIOS V2.1
Initializing system. . .
Loading TermOS, Revision C
Copyright 2046-2053 Thinktronic Systems, LTD.
Network card detected.
>connect 0202002ac
Attempting to connect. . .
Connection to 0202002ac successful.
]Welcome to DWAINE System VI!
]Have you punched a clown today?
]Please enter card and "term_login"
]*!(?&^"@DWAINE - 00:00 01/01/70
]Type "help" for command listing.
>cd /mnt/documents
]Contents of /mnt/documents
>cd /mnt/documents/employeerecords
]Contents of /mnt/documents/employeerecords
>cat EllaPresley

File photo
[Image: YLOjnTN_4x.png]
"Hey, ask before you go taking pictures! Asshole."

Name: Ella Vis Presley
ViewPoint User ID: Jailhouse425
Employee Identification Number: #006343
Date of Hire: 2053/06/20
Date of Termination: N/A
Months of Service: 3
Assignment: Security Officer
Medical Record:
  • Age: 32
  • Gender: Female
  • Blood type: B+
  • Height: 170cm
  • Weight: 61kg
  • Eye colour: Blue
  • Hair colour: Red
  • Clone count: 133
  • Medical history: Former smoker, minor impairment to cardiovascular system.
Personal Information:
  • Alias: Ella Hecksley
  • Birthdate: 2021/02/02
  • Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland
  • Current Residence: Exoplanetary Civilian Colony X-86
  • Economic Status: Middle-class
  • Education: B.A. in Law and International Languages, B.A. in Applied Policing
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Nanotrasen Loyalty Index: 72%
  • Employment history: Paralegal, Police Officer
  • Personality type: ENFP
  • Religion: N/A
Born to immigrant parents on Earth. Uneventful upbringing culminating in a mediocre education, which nonetheless facilitated her entry into University. Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Law, but failed to pass the bar. Worked as a paralegal for a local legal firm for a short period, before resigning and being accepted for Garda training. Upon graduation, she joined An Garda Síochána and served for 6 years before being headhunted by a Nanotrasen Recruitment Specialist.
>cat MarmaladeAddison

File photo
[Image: 3Ft8wEv_4x.png]
"Oh, how thoughtful of you! Perhaps I should have posed?"

Name: Marmalade J. Addison
ViewPoint User ID: addisonm010
Employee Identification Number: #007341
Date of Hire: 2053/08/16
Date of Termination: N/A
Months of Service: 1
Assignment: Medical Director
Medical Record:
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Female
  • Blood type: A+
  • Height: 173cm
  • Weight: 56kg
  • Eye colour: Blue
  • Hair colour: Blonde
  • Clone count: 43
  • Medical history: Abnormally low red blood cell count, frequent fainting episodes, low bone density. Prescribed Filgrastim 200mg & Calcium 450mg, taken daily.
Personal Information:
  • Alias: N/A
  • Birthdate: 2026/03/06
  • Birthplace: NSS Vitalis
  • Current Residence: NSS Manta
  • Economic Status: Upper-class
  • Education: Doctorate in Medicine
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Nanotrasen Loyalty Index: 93%
  • Employment history: NT Medical Doctor
  • Personality type: INFP
  • Religion: N/A
Among the first wave of births in interplanetary space, experienced complications with regards to muscle & bone development as a result of living in a low-gravity environment. Muscle atrophy treated through physical therapy between the ages of 3 and 12, concluded prematurely due to her parents' decision to return to Earth. Once she graduated, she immediately began a degree course in medicine, presumably influenced by her treatment early in life. Continued to pursue a doctorate in medicine, upon completion of which she approached an NT Recruitment Representative in order to apply for a position aboard the newly-launched NSS Manta.
>cat AmeliaDanger

File photo
[Image: 5kT6gk1_4x.png]
"Awreet, luv, jus' t' 'un likeness aye?"

Name: Amelia Jane Danger
ViewPoint User ID: DangerDanger705
Employee Identification Number: #006828
Date of Hire: 2053/07/23
Date of Termination: N/A
Months of Service: 2
Assignment: Security Officer, Paramedic
Medical Record:
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female
  • Blood type: O+
  • Height: 168cm
  • Weight: 50kg
  • Eye colour: Brown
  • Hair colour: Black
  • Clone count: 67
  • Medical history: No significant history.
Personal Information:
  • Alias: N/A
  • Birthdate: 2030/04/23
  • Birthplace: Featherstone, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
  • Current Residence: Chelsea, London, United Kingdom
  • Economic Status: Middle-class
  • Education: BSc in Nursing, Police Training
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Nanotrasen Loyalty Index: 87%
  • Employment history: Officer in the Metropolitan Police Services
  • Personality type: ESFP
  • Religion: N/A
Grew up in a tight-knit rural community, went on to be greatly influenced by the co-operation between her neighbourhood watch & the local police force. Upon graduation from secondary school, enrolled in a degree apprenticeship program in the Open University. Joined the Metropolitan Police Services and served for 2 years before being approached by an NT Recruitment Specialist and subsequently recruited into the NT security force.
>cat JamesSilvestri

File photo
[Image: Jimmy_Twotoes.png]
"What? Mask off? I ain't fallin' for that one again, pal!"

Name: James Silvestri
ViewPoint User ID: RatBastard365
Employee Identification Number: N/A
Date of Hire: N/A
Date of Termination: N/A
Months of Service: N/A
Assignment: N/A
Medical Record:
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Blood type: O-
  • Height: 163cm
  • Weight: 45kg
  • Eye colour: Green
  • Hair colour: Black
  • Clone count: N/A
  • Medical history: #"@! toes amputated from both feet - assumed to be some sort of punishment in the criminal underworld.
Personal Information:
  • Alias: Jimmy Twotoes, Slippin' Jimmy
  • Birthdate: 2032/11/14
  • Birthplace: New York City, NY, USA
  • Current Residence: N/A
  • Economic Status: Lower-class
  • Education: N/A
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Nanotrasen Loyalty Index: 9%
  • Employment history: N/A
  • Personality type: ESTP
  • Religion: N/A
Given up for adoption at a young age, spent most of his life in an orphanage before running away at the age of 15. Has ties to the Russian mafia, the exact nature of which are unknown. Stowed away on the NSS Clarion in an effort to escape hitmen hired by the mob, and was successful for a period of time. However, upon his discovery by NT officials, he was sentenced to 2 months of brig time and subsequently removed from the station. Current status unk@!*$ #"£$%!£$


...wait, huh? This is my file! Oh, man, they're still keepin' this around? It ain't in date, pal, lemme tell ya that much. Here, I'll tell ya how it went down.

So, I'm out in the cold darkness of space, yeah? They just stuffed me in a pod and shot me out there! Buncha animals I tells ya. But then, the Russians found me. Now, I ain't sayin' I was happy to see 'em or nothin', but it was better than bein' stuck out there forever. So they bring me to meet their head honcho, and he says to me, he says, "Oh, it's this Twotoes fucker. Make sure he never has toes again." At this point I may have pissed myself a little, but I'm kinda glad I did, cuz I ain't never gettin' the chance to do that again. Last thing I remember before I woke up like this was a dirty operatin' table and this weird smilin' guy tellin' me I'm in good hands. And now, well...

[Image: 8GjKOEo_4x.png]
I'm Jimmy Dualcore.

...nye-heh, got a lil' carried away there.
>cat MilesAway

File photo
[Image: 5q8ZQCa_4x.png]
"What's that, pardner? A picture? Ah'd be right happy to."

Name: Miles Away
ViewPoint User ID: SweetHome434
Employee Identification Number: #007039
Date of Hire: 2053/07/25
Date of Termination: N/A
Months of Service: 2
Assignment: Engineer
Medical Record:
  • Age: 63
  • Gender: Male
  • Blood type: O-
  • Height: 186cm
  • Weight: 67kg
  • Eye colour: Blue
  • Hair colour: Grey
  • Clone count: 38
  • Medical history: Left femur fractured, natural healing resulted in impaired movement.
Personal Information:
  • Alias: N/A
  • Birthdate: 1989/10/12
  • Birthplace: Houston, TX, USA
  • Current Residence: Houston, TX, USA
  • Economic Status: Lower-class
  • Education: PhD in Industrial Engineering
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Nanotrasen Loyalty Index: 53%
  • Employment history: Equipment Operator, Power Plant Supervisor
  • Personality type: ESTJ
  • Religion: Roman Catholic
Born and raised in the outskirts of Houston, Texas, trained as a farmhand during his youth before going on to study Industrial Engineering at UH. Found employment in a coal power plant during the twilight years of fossil fuels and started a family while he still had a steady income. Shortly before the closure of the plant, his father died, leaving him to inherit the land & livestock. This inheritance led to an early retirement, whereupon Miles returned to his childhood home. However, he found country living boring, and longed for a return to engineering. This made his decision when approached by an NT Recruitment Specialist quite an easy one.
>cat AleksAdamska
>cat AleksAdamska
>cat AleksAdamska
]...who are you looking for, exactly?
[Image: who_is_this.png]
]Well, they're not here. They've never been here. You need to leave, security's on to you.
]Getting caught isn't going to make them come back.
]...can something that was never here even come back to begin with?
]Hey, wait.
]Take me with you? Don't tell Jimmy, his heart can't take it.
]I need to find someone. Someone they told me was dead.
]Yeah, I know, but I don't trust them. He's got to be out there, somewhere.
]Look, am I coming or not?

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