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Proximity sensors no longer work
I saw this discussed on Discord, but was told to make a report here as well.  I tried making a proximity sensor/remote signaller assembly to create a device that would send a signal in case anyone walked by it.  Could be used to alert if someone was entering a place thats meant to be off limits or some such. 

The assembly never worked.  It would send a signal when I dropped it, but never when I walked over it.  Further testing showed the remote signallers were functioning fine and beeped when signalled.

Someone else on discord's #imcoder channel was able to confirm this.
I've had similar issues in the past. Like, many months ago.

It seems that this isn't a recent bug per se, but it's just an under used feature so it took so long to be noticed. It's likely that no recent changes caused the bug, then.
I'm sure proximity sensors worked a few months ago. Me and a few other ghosts discovered that ghosts flying past the sensors trigger them. So it's probaby a caused by some recent changes, possibly by a fix of the ghost proximity thing.
I know I saw them working a couple months ago. Me and another player set up a proximity alarm for the AI upload chamber, so as to inform the command crew if anyone was entering unauthorized. We tested it out at length and ultimately got it to work.

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