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Cyberappendix emag/sabotage
Cyberappendices should accept a pipe bomb or emag to give them cyberappendicitis, causing a suitably powered explosion.
oh my lord yes, i love it

Emagging each cyber organ should have their own special abilities/detriments when emagged!
  • Cyberspleen should generate so much blood that you eventually become hypertensive, and if nothing is done about it, you explode into a flood of delicious blood. How goreish!
  • Cyberliver should GREATLY reduce the amount of toxins in your body, not just alcohol - essentially acts as a perpetual 10u of charcoal in your bloodstream.
  • Cyberbutt should give you an ability equivalent to the Superfart gene.
how about emagged cyberlungs allowing you to breathe in any gas safely (a bit op). a non-op but non-original alternative is to have emagged cyberlungs allow you to have anaerobic metabolism.

great thread idea btw dashing

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