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Change light grenade/biomass manipulation
I don't like new player trap things that just remove you from the round outright. It's not fun to die and have to wait out the round because you didn't know something specific. Stuff like Biblefarting and fedora tipping are good because they're at least pretty funny and are more well known things, but I think that the light grenade and biomass manipulation are specifically bad.

Biomass manipulation is a genetics power that, when synchronized with a chromosome, lets the user use a way weaker version of the wizard phase shift. If you are genetically unstable and it's synchronized, it statue-gibs you. I think this is okay (though probably unnecessary because it's not actually that strong compared to other genes) but if you use it when it's not synchronized it always skeletonizes you and removes your brain, making you unable to be borged and unable to be cloned unless someone goes to debris to get a special specific item to clone you. I exclusively see new players dying to this, usually they get the mutation in their potential and then use it just to see what it does and die fairly early on. It's okay to have the effect be negative because logically it should do something bad and plenty of mutations are bad for the user, I just think it'd be better if it didn't take you completely out of the round if it wasn't synchronized. Maybe it could turn one of your limbs into water vapor or something.

As for the light grenade, there's really no way to change it since it does exactly what it does in the movie it's a reference to. IMO it shouldn't pop up in artifacts like it does now. Usually what happens is either a new player scientist picks it up and dies or someone who knows what it does brings it to a primary hallway and then a lot of new players pick it up and die. Maybe it's kind of funny to see a lot of piles of clothes on the floor next to a light grenade if you know what it does but it's a big net-negative and probably turns new players away when they pick a random object that removes them from the round.
What if unsynchd biomass manipulation melted all the flesh from the user permanently and caused 50 brute damage?

In code, an unsynched biomass manipulation gene would simply replace itself with ossification and deal damage

What if the light grenade still killed instantly but allowed respawn only once
(08-24-2019, 09:08 AM)Prichard Wrote: What if unsynchd biomass manipulation melted all the flesh from the user permanently and caused 50 brute damage?

In code, an unsynched biomass manipulation gene would simply replace itself with ossification and deal damage

This seems like a perfectly fine, funny solution that fits with the theme of the ability. Definitely support this change, biomass manipulation insta-kill has needed removal for a while now (wouldn't mind a stronger version of this replacing the statue-gib either)

(08-24-2019, 09:08 AM)Prichard Wrote: What if the light grenade still killed instantly but allowed respawn only once

This seems like a much less good solution. I can already imagine avenues for cheese this could open up. Honestly, with how little i actually see light grenades, I have to call into question how important it is that they remain in the game in the first place. Everybody who has died to one knows not to touch it, so what does it really add?
self-biomass manipulation crit fails spawns the blob man critter and makes you an unclonable skeleton.
I don't know about it turning off new players. First time I saw it I got got and sure it was annoying, but it was a fun annoying. I'm actually less annoyed at dying by my own actions then by dying by someone murdering me whilst I'm in the middle of doing something. haha
I don't mind the normal version killing you, but I honestly hate how genetics stability went from turning you into a mutant to having powers backfire, especially when it's instant death
Does this have to do with that recent game where we explicitly told a new geneticist "Do not use the thing, it will kill you" and they used it and it killed them?

Ya know, the one that also had the chef that insisted he set himself on fire with self immolation? Repeatedly?
Instant death things are fairly lame but there's an element of charm when it comes to these kind of things. Like, do not push this button unless you want to die scenario.

But it kind of loses its charm when they're set up in such a manner that tricks a player into death, such as these. Particularly the light grenade, which I'm not even sure what it's reference to? Google yields mixed results, giving me mainly DBZ references.
I admit, it CAN be funny when you see the piles of clothes lying around.

Perhaps if it's too heavily referencing something, then perhaps removing the light grenade and changing it to something else entirely. This new "thing" works exactly the same, but instead teleports you to the VOID completely naked, leaving your clothing behind.

A) New item will now trick old players "ah fuck it's the new light grenade oh no"
B) Huge inconvenience, but not round ending.
C) Would be funny to see a bunch of nude dudes screaming for help in the VOID
D) Still the funny effect of clothing lying around.
Sundance's idea for light grenade fix is good
the movie doesn't explicitly deal with what happens to people who disappear, maybe they do just end up somewhere.
maybe it would be possible to escape from there?
(08-26-2019, 09:42 AM)warcrimes Wrote: Sundance's idea for light grenade fix is good
the movie doesn't explicitly deal with what happens to people who disappear, maybe they do just end up somewhere.
maybe it would be possible to escape from there?

get trapped inside a tiny little room.

rubbed three times you poof out of nowhere floating with a wispy smoke for legs and blue skin.

forced to grant three wishes before being released.

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