Mentor Application - TheRedScare (Smokey Dogg)
Usual Character Name: Smokey Dogg
BYOND Username: TheRedScare
Recommended by (if applicable): Jack Knight, Moe Kazumuma (Yeah I cannot spell that name.)
Times Available: Depending on certain conditions it can range from 8:00AM-10:00PM to 5PM-10PM on most days, sometimes it can be 12AM- 4AM

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): I began playing space station back in early 2011, it was on and off and I was not exactly the best at anything. I played on gibbed because it had the most players so I assumed it was good. Granted apart from a few rotten eggs in the player-base I found it great fun. I got banned however for a stupid misunderstanding, I was still newish and someone flashed me, I remembered reading about getting flashed meant you became a rev, I misunderstood this and blew myself up next to the captain in medbay.

I moved to FP and /tg/ after this because I felt like an ass for that mistake. I learned a lot of the games mechanics during my time on FP and /tg/, I eventually became an admin on FP for 6 months. I left after the owner and I fell out over an argument relating to something that I cannot discuss as it was to do with staff. Anyway I then stuck to /tg/, Eventually I learned pretty much everything to do with the game, I became able to do anything.

I moved back to Goon after my IRL friend, Conor12, spoke of all the new things that Goon had and that the player-base was great. It took me an hour to get used to the new map, I know the whole map now and many of the other Z-levels. I began focusing improving my skills as a botanist, a chef, an electrician and a miner. I know a large chunk of chemical recipes as well. I can do any job without fail, this now includes engineering, which I didn't understand before.

I can make a lot of shit as a botanist such as omega weed. I can make most things as a chef. As an electrician I am able to utilise the ThinkDOS and other operating systems to create new public terminals and I often try to make the station more efficient, I can do this by creating spare cloning pods in secure locations, adding more teleporters to certain departments to allow for faster transportation and creating new ways of handling tasks, for example I set up electronics to be able to clone people and send them back to their department, which is easy but still very handy for the recently cloned player.

I am used to antagonist roles as I often get choose for a wizard or nuke op, as a wizard I complete my tasks 9/10 times and I often just let the crew do what they want by not mass murdering them, although I kill anyone who mentions that they hate weed or anyone that acts rude.....

As a nuke op I often help the other operatives if they are new instead of fucking off and leaving them to die. The reason I would like to get the position of mentor is so that I can teach anyone in need of help regardless of the circumstances. As sometimes when I am on 4 I see players trying to get help from other players and getting ignored and there are sometimes no mentors online to help them out.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): I believe that Shrek is actually a personification of the human soul. He teaches us that although we can seem ugly at first deep down, past all our oniony layers, we are all kind.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): Yes I was banned for that misunderstanding about how getting flashed does not mean you are a rev, I have came a long way from that. I also am job-banned from the AI and cyborgs, I am not entirely sure why as I do not recall any incidents.
Smokey Dogg is my favorite person to start a grudge with mid-game. He's robust enough to get the jump on you, and (usually) stops short of outright killing you for being an annoying prat. He also knows his shit pretty well.

Two thumbs up, would recommend again.
Thanks, granted I sometimes go overboard but I will always clone you, unless I have the urge to sap your DNA.
I normally don't comment on these applications because my memory is pretty bad when it comes to these sorts of things.
But I remember you, and all I remember is good.
Yes from me.
Big yes from me, Smokey knows his stuff and is a great dude. (Even if I'm an asshole who immediately double crossed him and assassinated him after he saved me). Had I known he planned on applying I'd have given a personal recommendation.
yes yes. every time I see him he's a dude I'm happy to see
TheRedScare Wrote:Recommended by (if applicable): Jack Knight, Moe Kazumuma (Yeah I cannot spell that name.)

Wow, what. Are those two random dudes who were playing yesterday? It was Moe Kazuma(Mr.Bitches). A shameful recommendation, but those don't really matter.

You know enough to be a decent mentor now. He'll be helpful. (To everyone but me, he has to annoy his personal mentor!)

He can answer things. Yes.
Only saw your post Conor. It is a must of any good player to heckle the shit out of their friends.
Fuck. Yes. Smokey knows his/her shit, and I will not stand for the injustice of seeing his knowledge not utilized in it's best form. That brain deserves the purple text. Kinda surprised he was not a mentor yet. smile
Great guy to sit in a chem lab with and just educate one another. Definitely a yes from me.
Hard Boiled Wrote:Fuck. Yes. Smokey knows his/her shit, and I will not stand for the injustice of seeing his knowledge not utilized in it's best form. That brain deserves the purple text. Kinda surprised he was not a mentor yet. smile
Its a he. Heh. Thanks for the support guys/gals.
Yes. Played 2 rounds with him earlier, he's a really cool dude.
Thanks dwarf.

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