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Goonstation Community Census
Hi everyone! After the very informative responses to our RP survey (which is still open, go fill it out if you play there!) and some discussion with players on Discord, we've decided to run a census for Goonstation as a whole. We'd love for you all to share your thoughts and feedback, especially regarding the current server culture and climate. The responses will help us greatly in prioritizing issues and features and making Goon an even nicer place!

This census is completely anonymous, unless you choose to include your ckey. If you include your ckey, you will be put into a raffle, with a chance to win a Gannets sticker. There are eight stickers up for grabs, two of each of the following: greater domestic spacebee, Nanotrasen, AI core, and Pride

Please note that the first section of the census is required (besides your ckey, which is optional), and the next two are completely optional. If you're not comfortable filling out questions in those two sections, please do not feel pressured to do so. The second section primarily focuses on our server culture and climate, which again, is one of the key things we'd like to get a feel for and improve. The third section is basically just demographics, to help us get a better understanding of our playerbase.

This census will be open until 7/20. After it closes, we will compile the responses and make an announcement with summary statistics and our main findings. 

You can fill out the census here. If you have any questions, please feel free to post them here. Thanks for playing and being a part of our community! queen greater domestic space-bee

edit: 1 is more important, 5 is less important!
Thanks for posting the census!
I have 2 things to say:

Firstly, Users browsing this thread: BorisBubbleton, Cal, DStarsthy, Flourish, InternetDweller, Josef, KikiMofo, kyle2143, marginalorb, MeWaka, moistgrandmas42, MrMagolor, pali6, Podrick Equus, saccharineChampion, sartorius, Sov, UrsulaMejor, Vulkarl, 30 Guest(s)

Good lord.


1 is most important 5 is least important. Blame Flourish
Lol, reading comprehension failure, I assumed 5 was most important and now my responses are backwards from what I wanted

(07-05-2019, 01:18 PM)UrsulaMejor Wrote: Lol, reading comprehension failure, I assumed 5 was most important and now my responses are backwards from what I wanted


oh no I did this too

we ruined the census

well at least mine has my name on it so it can be identified
I'm sorry for the confusion! If you want to redo your response, just ping me on Discord and I can send you your old response so you won't have to rewrite everything.
Also can you do doubles on that?
(07-05-2019, 09:47 PM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: Also can you do doubles on that?

If you decide to submit a new response, please let me know so I can delete your old one!
I did a census
I have filled one out. Thanks for putting this up.
(07-05-2019, 09:47 PM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: Also can you do doubles on that?

I'm a dumby who doesn't write good, meant to ask if you could tag 2 of em as a 5
Yeah i might have went toward 5 when i should have gone toward 1, too. Unless you fixed it.
(07-06-2019, 10:54 AM)sankto Wrote: Yeah i might have went toward 5 when i should have gone toward 1, too. Unless you fixed it.

I did the same
(07-06-2019, 10:54 AM)sankto Wrote: Yeah i might have went toward 5 when i should have gone toward 1, too. Unless you fixed it.

Right is 5, left is 1. Does that ring any bells? I can always correct your response if you tell me your intended ranking.

(07-06-2019, 12:55 PM)New525 Wrote: I did the same

Your response seems to have been filled out fine!
I did it right (best is 1, worst is 5) but I'm not sure if I was supposed to pick 2 of them as 5

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