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Genetics Ideas/Discussion/Grumpin'
add a power that lets you color things/people like paint buckets
Jumping while fat should just crack the floor tiles underneath you (maybe one square), and maybe stun you for a bit.

It will amuse the players without being overly abused.

Also the human paintbrush power suggestion seems cool. but it should have a countdown to keep the server from being bogged down with armchair artists.

Overall I think the change to genetics is cool. Before there was only 4 superpowers and the rampaging telexrayheatresistanthulk gimmick got outplayed.

Now there's a good balance of useful and useless gimmicks for genetics. Especially being a human flashlight and eating random things. Or being able to imitate people or convince people to do dumb things.

If lizard people genetic disorder isn't already a thing, perhaps it could be called "Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis". People will probably call it killer croc skin, but whatever.
make Poo obtainable from genetics research

like loosened bowels or something
Poo isn't coming back. Get used to the idea.
Allow the genetics scanner to be click-draggable.
Add some weird ass genes in animals/mobs, or at least stuff that's already there but rare.
for wierd genes, you could add things like the ability to breath underwater (which restricts you to the pool)

imagine monkeys living in the pool, they'd be sea monkeys except not anywhere near the sea.
david2222121 Wrote:For that matter, bring back the scanner locks.

People just don't hold still while you turn them into deaf/blind/mute epileptics like they used to.
Lesser and Greater spiritual awareness

Lesser Spiritual Awareness:
Chaplain automatically starts with this. Occaisonally, the "muffled voices" come out crystal clear. Pretty annoying, you might want to get it turned off!

Greater Spiritual Awareness:
Enables you to see ghosts (but not hear them). SPOOKY.
Perhaps include out of body experiences as a genetics superpower.

Basically the person collapses, and while they are knocked out they can go through walls and see dudes for a minimum amount of time until they wake up back in their body. They can't interact with anything in this state and perhaps they can't see ghosts or anything either.
Sundance Wrote:Allow the genetics scanner to be click-draggable.
Add some weird ass genes in animals/mobs, or at least stuff that's already there but rare.

Now that you can scan shit with your pda, give critters unique mutations that can be scanned.
Scanning george gives you the ability to act like scooby doo, i,e: Excessive R's in a sentence, automatically eat food thats one tile away, wet yourself when you get tased
"Rhy are rhu doing rhis? ARWOO"
big grin
Or something similar..
Weavel Wrote:If the cloner runs outta human goop to make you out of, it stops cloning you. However it doesn't eject you or kill you; you're just stuck there, given the choice to either suicide or wait 40 minutes for a passerby to stuff whatever it.
Weavel Wrote:i forgot to actually put a suggestion:

make it so that you just get chucked out if it runs out, so you're not stuck waiting for ages.

Noticed this is a standalone thread and thought it was a good idea, so here it is.

Also, give the Cloner computer the ability to choose at which point the pod spits the new clone out, and maybe say how much of the biomass each clone will use up, in case a geneticist wants to be economical/a jerk.
christ I am absolutely blind how did I miss this thread
suggestion put a second genetics console in genetics so the second geneticist has something to do

even if it doesn't have an attached pod they could still use it for research and reviewing stored DNA samples
I thought the second geneticist's job was to be the one in the scanner getting all the superpowers, or now recently out whacking people with his PDA so the other guy could start researching the mutations and whatnot.

Though yeah a second console would be cool.

Bring back scanner locks
Second genetics console and a glass door to the shady back alley got added just now. Good changes all around.

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