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Change spies from burglers to "good" traitors.
Presently, Spy doesn't really live up to its name. It's basically a crew-member with a reverse uplink to steal stuff and a flash. Said items needs to be stolen secretly. These actions never really tie into anything else going on and I'm not sure I've ever seen a round change significantly because of one. There's also the objective "kill all other antagonists" but that's just a string of text at round start that does nothing.

My suggestion is to refine that last one more and remove the stealing thing. Like a spy gets greentext if all the other antags are dead. The spy has to confirm that they indeed did it however, maybe send in the antag's head via PDA? That way if a spy sends in a non-antag head they lose which will discourage paranoid rampages.

In-universe this is NanoTrasen suspecting that hostile elements may be aboard the facility and is disguising agents as normal crew to stop them. And of course, the spy doesn't want to blow his/her cover so nobody can know except maybe the HoS or something, since normal crew who are actually syndies might hear and ruin the whole operation.

Out-of-universe this will add another "element" to rounds, giving traitors something to be afraid of and making sec less paranoid since people that look like traitors might actually be these spies. Traitors could also attempt to look like spies to get away with their crimes but it will basically be their word and won't get them very far.
So basically? Air marshals. Space Marshals if you will.
You say the objective "kill all other antagonists" is a string of text that means nothing but then propose another solution that is the exact same thing, killing all other antagonists, except with an additional step of confirming a kill.
This doesn't really discourage rampages as they can just, based on your idea of using the PDA to deliver heads, focus on sending the heads of confirmed antagonists, either from their tracker or found unlocked PDAs/syndicate items.

Also, the additional element of a third party hunting antags in addition to traitors being able to disguise themselves as one wouldn't make sec less paranoid, if anything it'd be a cause of much more massive paranoia with additional variables being thrown into the mix.

This feels very redundant and more of a valid-hunting job, which would also be hell to administrate as either you'd want them to be bound by the server rules to only hunt antags, and then you'd also have to deal with all the false-positives, or you'd give them free-reign and then they'd just be hardmode traitors in practice.
I love stealing though
(05-03-2019, 01:31 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: I love stealing though

That could be a separate role.
Spy thief is fine, except for the turnin bugs that it currently has.
Spy Thief is good but an actual spy would be cool
I personally don't like the idea of any "Good" antags. Antags should always be at odds with the station.
I very much don't like the idea of Friendly Wizards or Friendly Changelings or anything like that.
I could see making new variations of spies
  • Spy thief: Current spies
  • Spy assassin: Has list of people to take out, gets rewards for kills on their list
  • Spy saboteur: Has to destroy parts of the station, gets rewards based on damage done
  • Spy informant: Gets rewards by correctly identifying other antagonists in their PDA
  • Spy Sleeper Agent: Allied with another spy, but unaware of it until the first spy is killed, wherein they activate and become one of the above spy types

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