Currently right now if you get knocked unconscious whether it be through stun or through poison you are unable to use any of your active abilities.
This is fine.
Apart from Shambling Abomination ability. This is not fine and this is a recent enough change, whether it be intentional or unintentional due to the stun change, as before you were always able to go abomination mode if knocked unconscious, and for good reason:
1. It has always been a defacto "panic button" for changelings. Right now if you knock a ling unconscious, they could have absorbed 25 souls and would still would be completely wrecked if someone gets the drop on them. It should be that easy if a ling is caught early - they can't actually do it unless they've absorbed 2 players.
It's not a "P2W" button either, going abomination is not without its caveats - such as alerting everyone to what you are (especially borgs who might be restraining themselves due to their default laws) and if used early (say you only absorbed 2 players) you can't remain abomination for very long as you'll burn through it fast.
2. It (and most importantly) completely eliminates changeling v changeling fights, which are incredibly entertaining to watch in the hivemind and fight in. Basically before if you got stung by a fellow ling you could go abomination and immediately rise to your feet. The opponent changeling can
A) run the fuck away and/or rat you out and shapeshift to cover it's tracks.
B) also go abomination mode and hulk it out for the sweet sweet DNA
Right now if a fellow ling gets the drop on you it is game over for you as a ling. This is incredibly lame. And no, before you suggest - Neurotoxin should absolutely affect other lings, otherwise you won't get the scenario as suggested above.
So please, make abomination mode actually be used outside of doing a grand reveal on the shuttle.
This is fine.
Apart from Shambling Abomination ability. This is not fine and this is a recent enough change, whether it be intentional or unintentional due to the stun change, as before you were always able to go abomination mode if knocked unconscious, and for good reason:
1. It has always been a defacto "panic button" for changelings. Right now if you knock a ling unconscious, they could have absorbed 25 souls and would still would be completely wrecked if someone gets the drop on them. It should be that easy if a ling is caught early - they can't actually do it unless they've absorbed 2 players.
It's not a "P2W" button either, going abomination is not without its caveats - such as alerting everyone to what you are (especially borgs who might be restraining themselves due to their default laws) and if used early (say you only absorbed 2 players) you can't remain abomination for very long as you'll burn through it fast.
2. It (and most importantly) completely eliminates changeling v changeling fights, which are incredibly entertaining to watch in the hivemind and fight in. Basically before if you got stung by a fellow ling you could go abomination and immediately rise to your feet. The opponent changeling can
A) run the fuck away and/or rat you out and shapeshift to cover it's tracks.
B) also go abomination mode and hulk it out for the sweet sweet DNA
Right now if a fellow ling gets the drop on you it is game over for you as a ling. This is incredibly lame. And no, before you suggest - Neurotoxin should absolutely affect other lings, otherwise you won't get the scenario as suggested above.
So please, make abomination mode actually be used outside of doing a grand reveal on the shuttle.