Mentor Application: Party-Cactus
Usual Character Name: Tod Sodly (all servers), Marco Delatorre (RP1), Corinna Thrush (RP1)
BYOND Username: Party-Cactus
Recommended by (if applicable): InternetDweller, Avak32, Adhara In Space
Times Available: Varies wildly, but typically between 14:00 EST and 05:00 EST.

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum):

The influx of new players was the kick in the ass I needed to quit mulling and finally slam out a small essay on how good I'd be at teaching fresh young spacemen how to *piss.

SS13 is a wild, complicated game where half the joy is in discovery and the other half in overcoming the control and UI-based hurdles between here and there. My desire is to provide help for folks who see this level of complexity and struggle to hold all the components together in their heads; for those with that mindset, breaking down actions and giving step-by-step instructions for what are outwardly simplistic tasks is often the ideal. As an obsessive nerd who sometimes gets swamped in the details himself, I think I have a strong enough grasp of the above mentality to offer patient, precise responses to frustrated and confused players in need of a little additional assistance. Please do not take this paragraph as an example of my clarity or conciseness.

As an RP1 regular (disregarding the past week; I picked a bad time to travel oh god), turning a blind eye to meta-info is something I'm already pretty experienced with, as is helping folks with minor queries in OOC or LOOC. I also tend to be around during the dead hours that get the most IC-in-OOC-because-F3-didn't-get-a-response Discord questions, which I hope to be able to slightly alleviate.

My experience is a bit of a mixed bag. While my Fish medal is from 2013, I didn't really start playing until late 2017/early 2018, when the material system piqued my interest. Since then I've picked up a lot of little things here and there, and while I can't say I've mastered one department, I reckon I've gathered my share of specialized and obscure knowledge.

Things I'm not so hot at:
  • Anything involving the TEG. Aiming to rectify this sometime.
  • ...and by extension, toxins. TTVs yes; canbombs and not setting Research on fire, no. Also planning to fill this gap.
  • Genetics. Lots of folks seem to have this department covered and I've little interest.
  • Telescience. Same as genetics as far as popularity and personal interest goes. also i am bad at math
  • Pretty much anything DWAINE or TermOS that can't be figured out from a glance at the wiki.
Shit what I know how to do good:
  • Most anything to do with pods, the debris field, and mining. I know more about matsci than the average player and plan to get back to data collecting eventually.
  • How to use the machines in the artlab (mostly) effectively, and the shortcuts that can be used to get around needing many of them.
  • Setting solar SMESes on RP maps and hunting down, stacking, and connecting hotspots to the power grid on Oshan.
  • All the civilian jobs with the exception of the more advanced botany techniques (gene-splicing for beneficial mutations specific to certain plants, etc).
  • Construction, pressurizing, fixing doors, device scanning and frame deployment, and all manner of station upkeep. it's me, that one staff assistant who actually repairs breaches and ion storm malfunctions
  • be a dead damn ghost in a cheap aluminium shell
  • Some advanced chemistry and medicine.
  • Basic packet hacking and PDA tricks.
  • All kinds of bits and bobs relevant primarily to RP1, motives, and emotes.
  • Check out this spaceman's FOUR WEIRD TRICKS for LEGAL PISSING!! BEEPSKY HATES HIM!!!!!
Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): None.
Party Cactus is a very cool and nice player (and makes for a mean - in that cool sense - ghostdrone!) and would totally be a good mentor.
Oh man, Todd is good. I haven't seen him around so much lately, but now I see it's because he's been hiding out on goon1.

Should be mentor, I have no memory of having a negative interaction with him.
one of the best! helpful, happy to help, knowledgeable in a buncha places (including some weird ones), not gonna metagame, and im pretty sure rookie's like... a mentor in spirit already haha, whole buncha yesses from me
tod sodly is good at the spaceman game
Todly single handedly makes RP rounds into actual RP, didn't know you were also Thrush. You are one of the people I look up to for advice and I'm honestly shocked that you're not a mentor already, 11/10 you'd be spectacular
One of the nicest and most trustworthery people out here. An absolutely fantasticly fun player to play with; would make for a totally awesome mentor on many levels!
I can't believe they aren't already a mentor. They're good yes
Manifestly qualified, even disregarding the vital knowledge of the Four Legal Pissing Techniques. Yes, please.
Tod Sodly? More like.. Tod... I dont know what I was trying to do there. Tod is great. I know you and others have said your on 1 alot, but you do 2 sometimes as well right? I remember seeing you and enjoying interactions. Yes from me.
I actually always assumed you were already purple, please get in.
Another great player that would make a good mentor. Every interaction I've had with Tod on the rare occurrences they're on the non-rp server has been positive.
Big Yes from me. One of the best roleplayers on Goon1. Great experience both OOC-ly and IC-ly. Been very helpfull and friendly in OOC to new players.

And being good in OOC to new folks instead of dismissive (like saying NO IC OOC, instead of explaining it with words.) is a huge plus in my eyes for good mentor material.

Also as a clown main, his IC clown phobia is acted to perfection and he gets Tooty's seal of approval.

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