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Help/Harm intent with Tasers and other guns
Why would you ever want to help someone while you hold a gun

When you're on help intent you have to specifically click someone who is more than a square away to fire a bullet in any way, and you can't point blank

This means that officers are always caught short by having to switch intent so they can use a taser, or they're big pushy shits as the alternative

please change it so that being on Help intent with a gun works like Disarm for shooting
Weavel Wrote:Why would you ever want to help someone while you hold a gun

When you're on help intent you have to specifically click someone who is more than a square away to fire a bullet in any way, and you can't point blank

This means that officers are always caught short by having to switch intent so they can use a taser, or they're big pushy shits as the alternative

please change it so that being on Help intent with a gun works like Disarm for shooting

switching intents is just part of being robust. also, tasers really don't need more going for them.
With the new way to switch intents it's wayyyyyy easier to get to harm from help. Just imagine the old system where you had to click on the square the specific amount of times to get to harm, and then oftentimes you'd click it once too many and have to do it all again.

Atleast it isn't that smile
I remember the old system well, though not exactly fondly

I just think it'd be a nice change, seeing as there's no real need to have your gun not work on Help intent
It's to HIT people with, the old way was funnier, it only shot on HARM intent, the funny thing is, it made bad security forget that they had harm on, so they would pull out their baton and shock themselves afterwards. This thread gets a no, because what if I want to hit people with my gun?
Yes ofcourse! Keep the feature unintuitive and punish security members who only wished to use a non-lethal means of dealing with people, how reasonable! confused

It should be the opposite. Help/Grab/Disarm should pointblank the taser while Harm beats the person with it. It makes a lot more sense and people will figure out the change in only a couple of rounds.
That would make far more sense, yes to that.
I'd like to point out that a point-blank laser/taser/vuvuzuela/gun to the face isn't exactly HELPING the guy.

And I can live with either the current way or the suggested way. I never had a problem with using guns.
Jay Wolff HELPFULLY hands over the taser
Cogwerks Wrote:Jay Wolff HELPFULLY hands over the taser
This would definitely give me incentive to stay off of help intent.

Oh wait i'm always on disarm anyway, haha nerds.
anyone who is on Disarm constantly deserves to be repeatedly cluwned
Weavel Wrote:anyone who is on Disarm constantly deserves to be repeatedly cluwned

I'm always on harm intent, what of it?
big pushy doofuses

(note: I just hate how awkward it is to move crates or even just walk through doorways with everyone on harm intents)
Weavel Wrote:anyone who is on Disarm constantly deserves to be repeatedly cluwned
I'll just disarm you as a cluwne, and then fart on you.
Weavel Wrote:big pushy doofuses

(note: I just hate how awkward it is to move crates or even just walk through doorways with everyone on harm intents)

Thats when you pull them and click on a tile to the side to get them out of the way

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