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QM Incoming Crate Warning
I propose some sort of light and/or sound that goes off a bit before the arrival of a recent ordered crate, say that you didn't order yourself. This would be nice so that you could avoid being nailed by flying crates, and sent into crit.
No thanks, it's funny when people get hit by crates.
Safety hazards like this and the belthell going through cog2 hallways are fairly amusing and should stay.

The only improvements to the system in my opinion could be fixing things like them getting clogged up if too many are ordered in a short period of time.
While I partially like the original idea, I also agree with Berrik's and Gerhazo's points. Perhaps for the maps primarily used by the RP servers?

And I absolutely agree with Gerhazo's suggestion, despite its tangental relevance to the thread. A much larger queue for crates would be fantastic, primarily inbound crates. Snaking belts would probably be the best way to extend the queue for crates arriving.
Easy to avoid hazards that could potentially kill you are fun. I feel like this would make it less likely to die from my latest crate of bee babies.

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