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Genetics Ideas/Discussion/Grumpin'
if you jump while fat, there should be some quake after you leap / knock people over/ make floor tiles pop up off the ground
I enjoy the idea but those implementations would make fat people even more annoying (though bring back the general purpose of Superfart). Maybe have it deal damage to the fat guy too as his fat ass is simply too much for his bones to support crashing down all at once.
Daeren Wrote:I enjoy the idea but those implementations would make fat people even more annoying (though bring back the general purpose of Superfart). Maybe have it deal damage to the fat guy too as his fat ass is simply too much for his bones to support crashing down all at once.
What do you mean, their bones handle it fine.They're big boned after all.
Jumping while fat takes up lots of energy. If you're going to have some kind of effect like that, have it eat through a persons stores of energy. As they jump, they start to get messages about feeling really hungry, getting winded, needing a rest, and sweating a lot.

If they ignore the messages, then they grow skinny again, due to exercising all the fat off. After that point, they are unable to become fat again. If, before that point, they stop jumping, take a drink, eat some food, and rest(either stop jumping for x amount of time, or lay down on the ground to speed up the timer), then they don't get skinny and can go jump more after a while.
hi coders please make this feature even more obnoxious tia~~
Pretty simple suggestion that I think would make genetics more enjoyable on a low population round, or for traitor use.

Currently if you're the only capable geneticist willing to work you can unlock some excellent powers on monkeys. When Save/Load was a feature it was a simple matter to find a set of powers you preferred and copy them over to yourself, this may provide a little too much power to the more malevolent geneticist. This proposal is to allow for direct remote manipulation of the computer to allow for self genetic manipulation. The occupant/user would still be restricted to his current potentials (for the most part) of course, limiting the extent to which this could be abused.

Essentially: a remote handheld device with a viewscreen that acted as a genetics console. An excellent addition to the genetics PDA? For balance: perhaps this should be a pda cartridge that would have to be constructed using electronics components. Either that or much like the detomax cart, a traitor ordered device to replace the vanilla geneticist pda cart.

If Save/Load is to be re-added later this would still be a valuable resource to check and unlock your own potential powers rather than simply copy another's.
I should add that the user would still be *In the Genetek Scanner.
Bring back injectors.
Nautilus Wrote:hi coders please make this feature even more obnoxious tia~~

hi hitler
For that matter, bring back the scanner locks.

People just don't hold still while you turn them into deaf/blind/mute epileptics like they used to.
I have two suggestions, the main one being that the new DNA modifier regain the ability to lock the scanner pod. We can lock people in the cloner scanner, we used to be able to lock them in the old modifier, why can't we lock them in while we activate their deafness and other defects? As it stands a traitor geneticist can't forcibly mutate people against their will, and we can't even make Monkey injectors anymore, either.

Next would be some more things to research, because currently the only thing really worth researching is the Efficient Research option. What about an internal control panel for the Modifier pod? That way a lone geneticist can still muck about with their genome during slow rounds or when no one wants to be a jumping, glowing human inferno. By making it researchable rather than a starting option it would give geneticists the option of getting someone to help them with their work, or waste a bunch of research points and time to be able to do it themselves.

I'm also interested in what other modifications you guys think genetics should get.
allow geneticists to buy the research points straight from their card instead've through a research budget.
Make a command to turn monkeys human for ~20-30 research points, and another to turn humans into monkeys for ~30-40.

Put a dang clipboard somewhere in genetics so we don't have to find one or juggle 50 papers across the floor that inevitably get lit on fire and ruin all your work.
I'll add the clipboard right now. I'll also ask around and see if it'd be possible to make genetic printouts worth something... I think it'd be pretty cool if you could sell proof of each unlocked power through QM, once per power per round.
Even better, let us sell the mutants themselves.

Finally, a legitimate reason to drag a greyshirt into genetics and make him a deaf/dumb/blind epileptic. Because you can sell him to Centcom.

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