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Oshan Trench
The Oshan Trench is currently far too empty and I feel seriously takes away from shenanigans. I would like to suggest that the prevelence of landmarks, ect in the Trench is drastically increased to add content, that the debris field is somehow brought back into play, or that a Oshan-specific 'near Trench' is added that is similar to the Debris Field (possibly with the randomized 'deep Trench' being an option to explore further).

TLDR - Random empty Trench is unfun. Please fix.
I like the idea of more Trench content, but I've had the complete opposite experience. Every time I try to find something in the Trench using the GPS beacons, I seem to always stumble some completely different thing I haven't found before. Heck, a few times, I've found multiple locations just a few seconds away from each other or some interesting landmark right outside where the deep holes put people. Granted, I haven't explored the Trench too much, but from my first impressions, it feels almost as crowded as the Debris Field.
I like having cool random shit to find but also not being able to consistently get to the GPS locations annoys the shit outta me and makes exploring the trench kind of an all or nothing deal. If CERTAIN STRUCTURES were fixed then sure man go for it but right now shit that was fixed in location in the debris field being randomized in the trench makes it sucky to do so many things. What you could do is have some locations be fixed, like the bee ship or perhaps other GPS coordinates (and the fucking satellite), while the others are random. It would allow the general structure of the trench to be preserved but good god we'd know where basic shit was. Something I'd also suggest but am less solid on is having the holes to the trench actually go to corresponding empty space below as opposed to all the same place. We already have zlevel interaction with the geothermal whatever rumbles, we could have the top level interact with the lower as well. Hell, let us dig more holes even!
trench needs more prebuilt loactions in general, I made a whole bunch but ran out of ideas at some point. maybe i'll try to make more soon (or beg someone else to do it).
buildings having a preset location would be nice but i'm not sure if our generation would handle it without some sort of rewrite
and yeah you should be able to dig holes, we can add this (you can already sort of go underground with a toilet)
Well try it at least cuz that's like the number one complaint people seem to have, just not being able to find the basic shit you can easily locate in debris.

ALSO: Holes in the ground from explosions or particularly active thermal shit would be amazing to have to deal with
after reading this thread I finally dived into the trench myself. It took a bit of time but there are some really cool prebuilt locations!
are there some static and some randomised locations already? i think just having a few locations always be at a certain spot would be nice, but thats just me i guess
Z5 (the space trench) could use some more prebuilt stuff too, IMO.
(12-30-2018, 08:52 AM)MrMagolor Wrote: Z5 (the space trench) could use some more prebuilt stuff too, IMO.

there's no z5 for space maps though?
edit: wait there is lmao I made part of that code + areas myself fucking rip

feel free to make small little areas in this thread
i'll convert them into the proper format and stuff if you make them

also it would be really difficult to have fixed location stuff
like as in "I don't want to spend the effort coding it when it's so finicky already and I spent days trying to get it to the current state"
however, I did build in the functionality to have guaranteed stuff - see: pit drops + elevator (They're randomly placed things also)

currently, the trench tries to place 13 guaranteed prefabs, with a possible additional 6
the space z5 tries to place 5 and a possible additional 3
i increased the frequency of trench spawns a little (didn't make any new locations yet though), 
and you can also now bomb the sea floor to make holes to the trench. Travel in/out of the hole using an object that spawns in engineering, the Sea Ladder.

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