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Mindslave cloner discussion thread
Hello everyone!

The mindslave cloner has been around for a few weeks and a few folks have had a chance to play with it. From that, it seems like a few changes may be nice, with one in the patches subforum already.

This thread is here to discuss any changes that might be nice for this traitor item. 

Topics that I have heard so far:
- let doctors and the MD get the item as well
- Make it easier to build a secret genetics lab (requires mechanics work atm)
- Make it harder to destroy (currently just takes 1 screwdriver to blow it up)
  • Give the cloner a sound effect when in use
  • Give the cloner a light when in use
  • Make it more difficult to destroy/indestructible, but allow it to be deployed only on station or at the diner or whatever
Ive made it clear I support the doctor and MD addition to the list, im not sure how to remove mechanics from the process though. I feel like for the potential benefit (unlimited, full duration mindslaves unless they are recloned) putting in the effort of mechanics makes sense.

If it turns out that we can make a change so that you get a package that, when used, gives you a: soldering iron as well as the cubes for scanner, cloning pod, reclaimer and cloning computer board, thats when adding a light and sound makes more sense.

The idea of a secret lab hidden in the walls of the station, in my opinion, means that a light makes it much harder to hide. If youve invested 30 minutes getting it right then someone can see the light through a wall that would suck. (I love the goon lighting system truly, but that part kind of doesnt make sense to me from an immersion perspective.)

As an idea, what if we keep the cloning module as it is, maybe reduce the cost a bit if the mechanics involvement is that ill-received, then add a "Deluxe Cloning Module Package" that would use 12 TC and give you the above mentioned kit?

EDIT: Also, if someone goes to the trouble to make an offstation base on the same Z level as the station that should be allowed IMO considering the effort involved. using prexisting structures in the debris field outside of the diner seems a bit strong though. Mixed feelings on the Ghost Drone Factory

to add on to this, perhaps the deluxe version could remain geneticist only?
(10-24-2018, 12:18 PM)Flourish Wrote:
  • Give the cloner a sound effect when in use
  • Give the cloner a light when in use
  • Make it more difficult to destroy/indestructible, but allow it to be deployed only on station or at the diner or whatever

I like the idea of making it indestructible. It'd make putting it on the regular cloner actually pretty viable. Some people could argue that this means geneticists could basically disable cloning at the start of the shift, but really every job can do that with a pipebomb already so I don't think it's too powerful. If anything, this would encourage the crew to build a secondary cloning lab that's not evil. And there would still be incentive to build a secret evil cloning lab, it's just that it wouldn't be 100% necessary to do to use the item.
I'd prefer it to not be indestructible, but I agree that a light love-tap with a screwdriver shouldn't disassemble the entire thing, in a sense having it be able to be disassembled in a fair bit of time similar to some walls could provide some interesting play options built around defending the corrupt lab, and preventing the crew from taking it over as they slowly convert more of the fallen into their army or such instead of just abandoning or building walls around the corrupted cloner.

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