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make people lying down obstacles
Aka, running over a prone person/corpse could cause you to trip/slip, they'd cause segway accidents, et cetera.
Would be nice but would also be annoying. Why use a corpse or a living body when most of the time a glass of water can accomplish the same thing?
Honestly this idea came about because I was thinking "what could cause lubed floors to be even funnier"
i support this because dropping to prone when someone's running after you should make them tumble over in a benny hill esque sequence of poorly animated slapstick
Security officer trips over the clown and flies head first into the disposal, which flushes him
Sounds fun to me.
You actually already can fall into a disposal and get autoflushed, it just doesn't come up often. Segway accidents on cog1 are the most common culprits.
I feel like this would change some of the ways we move around in game, but not necessarily in bad ways

Lying down is a way to slide under people when there's a crowded room. Someone lying down crawling could move slowly through a crowd.

But if being prone were to trip people, they'd be knocking down people. Considering you're usually grounded during stuns, recovering and moving into targets could trip them as well. It would be a little dangerous getting close to a downed target.

But walking over things would prevent that, meaning walking when beating a downed opponent would be safer.

This would also mean you could do tackles and pins, running and sliding into people and continuously brushing into them while crawling
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