I didn't see a thread for this, so here we are. This list is distinct from Vox, and currently contains the following:
adamant, adroit, agonising, agony, amatory, amphibious, animistic, arcadian, baleful, bellicose, big, bilious, birdsly, bloody, bombastic, boorish, bubsy, bulbous, burning, buttery, calamitous, caustic, cerulean, chromatic, chunky, comedic, comely, concerning, concomitant, contumacious, corpulent, covert, crapulous, creepy, crunchy, curdled, dank, dead, deathtrap, deep-fried, defamatory, delicious, depressed, depressurized, didactic, dilatory, doomed, dowdy, efficacious, effulgent, egregious, eleventy, endemic, equanimous, evil, execrable, farcical, fastidious, feckless, fecund, fortunate, friable, fulsome, gargantuan, garrulous, giant, gnarly, guileless, gustatory, gyroscopic, haunted, heavy, heroic, heuristic, histrionic, hollow, hubristic, incandescent, incendiary, indefatigable, insidious, insolent, intransigent, inveterate, invidious, irish, irksome, jazzy, jejune, jocular, judicious, lachrymose, large, legendary, limpid, loquacious, luminous, magic, magical, mannered, massive, mendacious, meretricious, messy, minatory, missing, mordant, munificent, nefarious, notverygood, noxious, obtuse, odious, parsimonious, pendulous, pepperoni, perforated, pernicious, pervasive, petulant, platitudinous, precipitate, preliminary, propitious, proud, puckish, putty, querulous, quiescent, rad, radical, realistic, rebarbative, recalcitrant, redolent, reviled, rhadamanthine, risible, rude, ruminative, sagacious, sallow, salubrious, sartorial, satirical, savory, scandalous, scary, schezuan, sclerotic, secret, seeping, serpentine, silly, small, smelly, spasmodic, spewing, spicy, spooky, squanch, stinky, stout, strident, suppurating, taciturn, tasty, teeming, tenacious, terrible, tiny, totally, tremulous, trenchant, tumultuous, turbulent, turgid, ubiquitous, ugly, undead, unfathomable, unpleasant, uxorious, veiny, verdant, voluble, voracious, wheedling, wicked, withering, xtreme, zealous
bubs, bubs', buttflaw's, buttflaw, dion's, dions, drsingh's, drsingh, gannets', gannets, grayshift's, grayshift, haine's, haine, hokie's, hokie, hufflaw's, hufflaw, keelin's, keelin, spyguy's, spyguy, wire's, wire, wonk's, wonk, zewaka's, zewaka, darkchis, darkchis', cirr, cirr's, wrongend, wrongend's, mordent, mordent's, flourish, flourish's, a69andahalf, a69andahalf's, mbc, mbc's, kremlin, kremlin's
afghanistan, albania, algeria, andorra, angola, anguilla, argentina, armenia, arstotzka, australia, austria, azerbaijan, bahamas, bahrain, bangladesh, barbados, belarus, belgium, belize, benin, bermuda, bhutan, bolivia, botswana, brazil, brexit, bulgaria, burundi, cambodia, cameroon, canada, catmandu, chad, chile, china, cobrastan, colombia, comoros, congo, croatia, cuba, cyprus, denmark, djibouti, dominica, ecuador, egypt, england, eritrea, estonia, ethiopia, fiji, finland, france, gabon, gambia, georgia, germany, ghana, greece, grenada, guadeloupe, guatemala, guinea, guyana, haiti, honduras, hungary, iceland, india, indonesia, iran, iraq, ireland, israel, italy, jamaica, japan, jordan, kazakhstan, kenya, kolechia, korea, kosovo, kosovo, kuwait, kyrgyz, laos, latvia, lebanon, lesotho, liberia, libya, liechtenstein, lithuania, luxembourg, macedonia, madagascar, malawi, malaysia, maldives, mali, malta, martinique, mauritania, mauritius, mayotte, mexico, moldova, monaco, mongolia, montenegro, montserrat, morocco, morocco, mozambique, namibia, naughty, nepal, netherlands, nicaragua, nice, nigeria, norway, oman, pakistan, panama, paraguay, peru, philippines, poland, portugal, qatar, reunion, romania, rwanda, samoa, scotland, senegal, serbia, seychelles, singapore, slovenia, somalia, spain, sudan, suriname, swaziland, sweden, switzerland, syria, tajikistan, tanzania, thailand, togo, tunisia, turkey, turkmenistan, uae, uganda, ukraine, uruguay, usa, uzbekistan, uzbekistan, venezuela, vietnam, wales, yemen, zambia, zanzibar, zimbabwe
backwards, below, down, east, hovering, in, inside-out, left, north, out, over, right, south, under, up, upside-down, west
alpha, ares, artemis, athena, athens, beta, byzantium, chi, delta, epsilon, eta, gamma, hades, hermes, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, omega, omicron, phi, pi, psi, rho, sigma, tartarus, tau, theta, ulysses, upsilon, xi, zeta, zeus
Military Letters
able, alpha, baker, bravo, charlie, charlie, delta, dog, echo, echo, fox, foxtrot, golf, golf, hotel, india, juliet, kilo, lima, mike, november, oscar, papa, quebec, romeo, sierra, tango, uniform, victor, whiskey, x-ray, yankee, zulu
Misc. Nonsense
and, another, apiarist, belladonna, blood, buddy, cake, chic, clown, covert, delicatessen, drugs, erstwhile, evil, factory, farm, ganglion, hell, help, help, hero, jazz, kebab, lasagna, love, machine, magenta, many, nosferatu, of, ornithology, parcheesi, phantasm, robot, robuddy, rogue, rouge, scapula, scaramouche, scarborough, schooner, syndicate, the, training, unguent, was, welp, will, yelp, yet
ballpoint, bath, case, comedy, company, crime, day, depresso, engine, espresso, eye, fact, farce, government, group, hand, life, man, man, number, painbow, part, party, person, place, point, problem, rainbow, satire, ship, solarium, thing, time, tuxedo, vortex, way, week, wingtip, woman, work, world, year
bajillion, eight, eighteen, eighty-eight, eleven, fifteen, five, four, fourteen, fourteen-billion, fourty-two, googol, googolplex, many-lots, nine, nine-thousand, nineteen, one, one-thousand nine-hundred ninety-nine, seven, seventeen, six, sixteen, sixty-nine, ten, thirteen, three, three-thousand, twelve, twenty, two, two-thousand
Petting Zoo Animals
alpaca, ape, baboon, bee, bee, bonobo, bubs, capybara, chicken, cow, cuttlefish, dog, donkey, ferret, ferret, fox, gerbil, goat, goats, gopher, gorilla, gorillion, horse, horse, human, llama, mantis, monkey, mother, ocelot, octopus, owl, pig, pony, primate, rabbit, rat, raven, reindeer, sheep, snake, stoat, tapir, wolf, zebra, zebu, zeedonk
asteroid, auto, battle, boot, capital, ceres, chem, clarion, co, corp, correctional, cyber, deepspace, delivery, destiny, development, dock, dyna, earth, engineering, eris, extraplanetary, galactic, gen, gen, gene, glob, goon, haumea, home, inter, jupiter, lab, labs, luna, main, makemake, mars, mass, media, memorial, mercury, meta, metro, military, mining, mom, moon, moon, mother, multi, mum, nano, neptune, new, node, nss, orbital, pan-, pluto, production, proto, remedial, research, robot, saturn, science, space, star, supply, system, transport, trasen, tum, uni, uranus, venus, wave, you, mystery, zoo
Roman Numerals
cdxx, dclxvi, ii, iii, iv, ix, lxix, v, vi, vii, viii, x, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, xix, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xx
array, base, cache, center, colony, construct, depository, depot, drydock, dump, facility, factory, fortification, garrison, hangar, headquarters, hq, hub, installation, lab, laboratory, labs, monitor, object, observatory, office, outpost, platform, port, prison, pub, relay, repository, site, station, stopover, store, terminal, terminus, theater, waypoint, waystation
docking, flying, love, wrestling
Language Prefixes
an, ab, ac, acro, adeno, aero, agro, an, ana, ano, andr, anem, anglo, ante, anthropo, anti, auto, baro, bathy, be, bi, bio, biblio, blasto, brady, bromo, broncho, caco, cardio, cent, centi, cephalo, chromo, chromato, chrono, circum, ciono, co, colpo, com, con, col, cor, contra, cosmo, counter, crino, cryo, crypto, cyto, dactylo, de, deca, deka, deci, demo, dermo, derma, dermat, di, didacto, dynamo, dis, doxo, dys, eco, ectos, edapho, electro, embryo, encephalo, endo, ento, ennea, entero, eo, epi, eph, ergo, erythro, eroto, stomo, stomato, ethno, eu, ex, exo, extra, flori, north, gyn, hemi, hexa, hyper, hypo, in, in, il, im, ir, inter, intra, kilo, mal, maxi, mega, megal, meta, micro, mid, milli, mini, mis, mono, multi, non, non, octo, octa, oo, out, over, penta, post, pre, pro, quadr, quart, quinque, quinti, re, recti, sclero, semi, septa, sexi, sino, spasmo, sphero, sphygmo, spleno, splanchno, schizo, schisto, staphylo, stylo, sub, super, syn, tachy, tacho, tele, telo, telo, tele, trans, tri, ultra, un, uni, ur, zoo
Language Suffixes
able, ac, acity, ade, age, aholic, al, algia, ance, ant, ar, ard, arian, arium, ary, ate, ation, ative, cide, cracy, crat, cule, cy, cycle, dom, dox, ectomy, ed, ee, eer, emia, en, ence, ency, ent, er, ern, escence, ese, esque, ess, est, etic, ette, ful, fy, gam, gon, hood, ial, ian, iasis, iatric, ible, ic, ile, ily, ine, ing, ion, ious, ish, ism, ist, ite, itis, ity, ive, ization, ize, less, let, like, ling, logist, log, ly, ment, ness, oid, ology, oma, onym, opia, opsy, or, ory, osis, ostomy, ous, path, pathy, phile, phobia, phone, phyte, plegia, plegic, pnea, script, sect, ship, sion, some, sophy/sophic, th, tion, tome, trophy, tude, ty, ular, uous, ure, ward, ware, wise