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Z5 ideas
Since finding some cool little things in Z5 like the crashed ship I had some other ideas that I thought might be interesting for potential spawns that people would find fun

Bee Oasis
  • A small enclosed and pressurized area hidden inside an astroid
  • Contains an assortment of rare bee variants
  • Bees with cool hats
  • bee eggs
  • Closet filled with skeletons and bee keeper suits
Atmospheric technicians Outpost
  • Atmos tech jumpsuit
  • Derelict theme
  • Broken machinery
  • Assorted gas cannisters
  • Atmos inside is highly flammable, filled with plasma
  • A mysterious button...thatĀ sparks
Space Pool
  • Rarely spawns in fish astroids
  • Has an empty pool, maybe a former vacation site long ago turned skate spot
  • Contains a space shark
  • Skateboard spawn for those brave enough


*dead decapitated staff assistant in NASSA suit
*heavily damaged pod
*dead clown with chainsaw half buried in nearby asteroid
*banana peel
(06-08-2018, 12:16 PM)poland spring Wrote: Oops:

*dead decapitated staff assistant in NASSA suit
*heavily damaged pod
*dead clown with chainsaw half buried in nearby asteroid
*banana peel

I'm quite liking this idea for some reason, especially if said pod looked like a bigger version of those escape pods.

It'd also be great if those old debris field locations everyone gets nostalgic about (like that Jurassic Park thing, or whatever it was) were added to Z5.
Having more random pod spawns, like at the space diner, would be cool

I must have my Y-pods
A large chamber that's entirely empty except for one button.

It's the eight button from the Stanley Parable demo.
Small recording studio for a live talk show hosted by a robuddy wearing a tie. Spawns with one of three scripts, each for a different interviewee/guest. Maybe it goes live at like, 10 minutes space time, with a (single) automated broadcast over the default headset channel advertising the time and channel beforehand.
Bring back the old space sites and put them in z5, the Robot Factory, Biolab, Jurassic Station, Russian Zombie Derelict, Chef Killer Station, VR Prison, and the like.
Some sort of tourist trap ("world's largest [x]"). And an attached giftshop, of course. Bonus if the tourist trap is something really stupid and/or dangerous ("world's most undetonated cruiser-to-cruiser ordinance")
(06-19-2018, 04:47 AM)LovelyMimic Wrote: Some sort of tourist trap ("world's largest [x]"). And an attached giftshop, of course. Bonus if the tourist trap is something really stupid and/or dangerous ("world's most undetonated cruiser-to-cruiser ordinance")

World's Largest Floor Tile, 33 Pixels Wide!
Historic pies from the 20th century
Survivalists Vault: a keypad locked vault contained inside of an asteroid that contains a few beds, food, booze, a tv and other assorted goodies.

Occasionally an email should pop up in the seldom used email program detailing the exact code to enter the vault when available.

The idea being some crazy doomsday prepping nerd decides to reuse an asteroid as his or her own bunker.

Actually put the bees inside of that and make it a beevault.
A shoeseum.

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