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APCs should lose lighting power before equipment power
Probably at 40% and 20% for lighting and equipment respectively. People take notice of lighting a lot more than they do equipment and it's a less critical system, so making lighting go first encourages the crew to get their ass into gear when power starts failing.
I support this idea. It would also add a nice bit of atmosphere for a soon-to-be-inhospitable station.
Yeah. "We're losing power! Quick, somebody turn off all the important equipment before the lights go out!"

Similarly, the comm consoles should probably be the last thing to shut off. Hell, maybe even give the head lounge it's own (sabotage-able) power source. Too many rounds overextended due to lack of people who know how to replace APC batteries.
Can we add APC access to head roles while we're at it?
I want more darkness! Good idea.
please do this
Do things like computer screens emit light when they're running? If not, that would be really neat and atmospheric when combined with the normal lights going out before equipment
Every idea said here is good.

Make it real.
Lighting now fails before equipment.

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