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Minor Security Records and the Bits That Don't Work.
Editing security records is currently a little more complicated than it should be. This is primarily because there are two methods that can be used to edit them:
  1. The SecMate program for ThinkDOS; this is the "modern" method, and the prescribed one.
  2. The detective's record locker; this is a deprecated method, based on the pre-SecMate records.
 The problem is that there are several functions which only the detective's record locker can perform, because SecMate has a number of non-functional features! There are also a couple of features not available at all on SecMate that I'll list here for the sake of completeness - the presence of the features on one deprecated system but not on the current system are hopefully bug-esque enough.

 A list of sec records bugs and inconsistencies follows. I'm sure I've forgotten something, so if anybody knows anything I've missed, I'd appreciate them chiming in with it.
  • SecMate cannot create new records - the button to make them is there, and a new record can be filled out, but it will never actually save. The detective's locker is able to do this.
  • SecMate cannot update two of a record's fields: "ID" and "Important Notes". There are no numbers assigned to these fields, so SecMate cannot interact with them. The detective's locker is able to do this.
  • SecMate seemingly cannot print anything: pressing the "print" option on a record announces that no printer can be found, and the "Connect to print server" button in the program's settings can never find a print server. The detective's locker is able to do this via a built-in printer.
  • Records deleted by the detective's locker show up as "ERR: REDACTED" on SecMate thenceforth. If you try to read the record, SecMate prints: "Error: Record Data Invalid." The detective's locker displays this properly.
  • The detective's locker has a selection of buttons for saving records to disks and restoring them from one under the "Records maintenance" tab, however, as far as I'm aware, it is not possible to insert a disk into it. In addition, SecMate has none of these facilities, despite having a disk slot.
  • The detective's record locker is able to delete the security records section of a record while preserving the rest; SecMate may not do this.
  • On SecMate, you can view somebody's photograph, but if you try to print it the computer just says "haine remember to fix this". In addition, if you delete the photograph, you can still attempt to view it, print it or delete it again, but attempting to view it displays "Photo data is corrupt!" Finally, I don't think it's possible to replace a photo once it's been deleted.
(05-25-2018, 11:14 AM)Avack Wrote: On SecMate, you can view somebody's photograph, but if you try to print it the computer just says "haine remember to fix this".

You can look up photos and print them from the machine that is purpose built for that, although now that I think about it you could probably merge that machine with Secmate computers, right?

Also, good catch on that creating a record thing. I've tried to add people who were disguised hoping that the secbots would go after them and was confused when it didn't seem to update
The way I work around adding disguised people to Secmate is that I just rename the profile of someone I know either isnt coming back or isnt a badguy. If I see Horsington explode in the middle of the hallway, you'd better believe Im using his entry to send Beepsky after I AM MEGA FUCKER.
  • Fixed.
  • You can now update important notes.
  • Print works now.
  • Fixed.
  • Feature request.
  • You should be able to do this already. 
  • You can print photos now, but adding them is a feature request.

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