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Mind-Slave Implants: Literal interpretation like an AI?
Just recently (my first round as HOS I'm fairly ashamed to say) I was implanted by an antagonist. After sending me on a few murder missions, my antagonist instructed me to "Kill a lot of people." Now, obviously he did not mean himself, and I went out and wrecked havoc. Someone in OOC brought up that perhaps I should have started with the antagonist, him being the person closest to kill. My question is:Is good mindslave play taking orders literally, like an AI uploaded law? Or should I try to do what he meant to ask, more like an order from a ranking officer?
People who think it's a good idea to screw over a traitor like that are bad people. It's obvious what he meant, and it's stupid to think it's fun or clever to turn on him.
i was the guy, and what Jflan said, being mindslaved is generally just a: follow a guy's orders card.

when i asked you to kill lots of people, i just meant to have fun killing people, the best way to take being mindslaved is just to follow orders but act like a normal traitor and have fun.
id say if there's a way to make the interpretation wacky and fun for you/the traitor/maybe the crew (cant think of any ideas off the top've my head) it'd be a good idea, but fucking over the traitor because "he didn't say not to" is extremely shitty an unfun
You can treat it like the AI's laws and mess around, sure.

Though I'd be nice to a guy who made your round more interesting and could say 'kill yourself' at any moment.
Actually, I'm fairly sure it's against the mindslave rules to kill him if he says "Kill people"

You have an unwavering loyalty towards them. Even if they DID tell you to kill them, you would be taken aback - stunned that your almighty god would want to be ended by your hand and you would probably refuse. Well, thats how I take it anyway.

So yeah, don't do it. It's kind of a jerky thing and obviously they don't mean to kill them. Why kill the guy that is taking off your leash and allowing you to murder the shit out of everyone around you?
This doesn't really take a lot of painstaking analysis. Do what it seems like they want or come up with a creatively ridiculous twist on their orders if you can. Either way, do what seems like it'll make the round more fun and interesting for them and possibly others, and have fun being off the leash yourself while doing it. Turning around and murdering them doesn't really service any of those except giving you a cheap laugh.

In semi-related news I was pretty pissed the other day when I mindslaved the detective - who was my only target - and told him to cause whatever kinds of disruption he felt like, including murder if he wanted, then seek me out when his implant wore off for a final glorious battle to the death. He spent the rest of the round doing absolutely nothing but normal detective stuff, investigating traitors and such, then killed me when it wore off. I mean, yes, I did give him free reign to do whatever he wanted, and I guess he didn't want to do anything, as it happened... but really, why be so boring?
Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought. Ok cheers guys.
Klayboxx Wrote:Actually, I'm fairly sure it's against the mindslave rules to kill him if he says "Kill people"

You have an unwavering loyalty towards them. Even if they DID tell you to kill them, you would be taken aback - stunned that your almighty god would want to be ended by your hand and you would probably refuse. Well, thats how I take it anyway.

So yeah, don't do it. It's kind of a jerky thing and obviously they don't mean to kill them. Why kill the guy that is taking off your leash and allowing you to murder the shit out of everyone around you?

Admiral jimbob Wrote:In semi-related news I was pretty pissed the other day when I mindslaved the detective - who was my only target - and told him to cause whatever kinds of disruption he felt like, including murder if he wanted, then seek me out when his implant wore off for a final glorious battle to the death. He spent the rest of the round doing absolutely nothing but normal detective stuff, investigating traitors and such, then killed me when it wore off. I mean, yes, I did give him free reign to do whatever he wanted, and I guess he didn't want to do anything, as it happened... but really, why be so boring?

Awful mindslave.
Another terrible thing to do is that "implant-die" thing where the implanter immediately tells you to kill yourself. I am so very tempted to say "yes master" over radio frequency then suicide so that everyone knows I was killed by a complete scrub.
+1: please stop telling your mindslaves to suicide when the implant is wearing off, this is shitty and you should beat yourself death for it.
Marquesas Wrote:+1: please stop telling your mindslaves to suicide when the implant is wearing off, this is shitty and you should beat yourself death for it.

I tell them to find me so I can re-implant it or to have a sweet duel
Mindslaves are a tricky subject.

They are sort of like the green toolbox in the fact that you're opening wielding a implanter in order to get someone subverted to your will. Some people bend to your will immediately as soon as they see it in your hands; others, well, they'll resist as much as possible.

As for the laws, I guess be as specific as possible? I try to bend the laws as much as possible, if it means not killing. Mindslaving isn't carte-blanche to start killing the shit out of people; it's the the little job the traitor asks of you. Annoying things, like destroying the AI, or being annoying enough to draw heat from your master.

The laws aren't hard and fast, but if you're given no orders before death, just assume you have your master's best interests at hand. Sort of like a loose Law 1, enough to dictate your death to save 'em, but not enough to start killing on a whim.
Oh yes. That is a giant thing. Just because your mind was enslaved, DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO RUN AROUND AND KLL!(maybe?) You are just like anyone else, but if your master orders you to do something, do it. At least, this is how I take it. Sometimes, I get "Have fun." Now, I always clarify, to make sure I can kill. I honestly think though, that just because I am a mindslave, I am a traitor as well. As such, I will not run up to people and kill them, unless I have orders to do so. IDK, that just what I think.
Hard Boiled Wrote:Just because your mind was enslaved, DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO RUN AROUND AND KLL!(maybe?)

if your mind is enslaved to someone that has the freedom to go around killing people, you should also have that freedom. unless he tells you not to or by dicking around killing people you manage to goof up something else he told you to do.

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