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New mechanic: Willpower
You know what I always love in a fight? When you're damn sure it's over and then the other guy gets back up. 

Willpower would be a finite resource that you start with. Willpower can be spent in times of desperate need to give you a little boost and maybe turn the tide of a fight

Spending willpower could roll a low 5 to 15 percent chance if:
  • Temporarily suspending crit health conditions like shock and cardiac arrest
  • Healing you from crit to red health
  • Negating a stun
  • Refilling stamina
I kind of like this, but if it can cancel stuns, wouldn't it make playing a Ling massively harder than it already is?
The ling works off of Neurotoxin, which constantly stuns you overtime as it's in your body.

Even if you negated a stun from a ling sting, you'd get hit with it again pretty quickly. The only time it would be useful is near the end of the effect, and you're probably dead by then.

Thinking on it, it would make security's job somewhat harder if their target could just shrug off a taser or stun stick.
I kind of like the idea of it as sort of a saving throw. But even still, it seems to me that it doesn't really add much of anything. I feel like it would work best as a way to quickly get back a load of stamina to reduce a stun, but even so. It seems like it will just be a some arcane overhead that screws with people.

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