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Buddies should stay in research
Buddies should not roam the station, that's beepsky's job, they should protect the research sector. EMP'd buddies SHOULD roam the station, all Non research buddies should be unarmed and NOT cuff you.
also add buddies that do deliveries maybe, NON combat buddies would be awesome.
I think having Ol Harner and maybe one other buddy roaming would be OK, it's a big station I guess.

One thing is that they should really really not have tasers or similar weapons, flashes only
oh yeah fix instacuffing too
Yeah. These guys jobs are to protect Research. Having Ol Harner and the rest using snowballs works, but instacuffing? Kinda OP. I mean, we have secbots for a reason.
Seriously. I've always hated that ever since mushroom fucking guardbuddies are 1/4 of the things onstation
Seriously. I've always hated that ever since mushroom fucking guardbuddies are 1/4 of the things onstation
bumping this

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