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Suggestions for new law modules
We've discussed this a bit in adminchat, and it seems like the ProtectStation and ConservePower modules don't get much use. When they are uploaded, it's usually by nonantags who aren't fully aware of the potential repercussions of these laws (which is bad and unfortunate). 

If we were to replace the ProtectStation and ConservePower modules (it's still kinda up for discussion, I think), what new modules would you like to see instead? What would be convenient for players and get a lot of usage?
Because it is something I sometimes do using freeform as a nonantag(even if I probably shouldn't, though I have gotten away with it up to this point) and tg-based servers have it, I would like a module that replaces the default three laws with Robocop's prime directives.
Also yeah while you are at it can you finally make reset modules fix ion storm laws thanks.
There's a few books that have law like things. Why not have themes ones. Give them an Aes Sedai module and watch them try to figure out who counts as a darkgriend! Give them the federation's Prime Directive, etc
Im a fan of codeword laws. i.e. only identify beings that use codeword X as human, or "If code word X is used with a command, that command overrides all other laws." but maybe too inherently antaggy
(05-08-2018, 04:20 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: Robocop's prime directives.
That sounds neat, but we have some issues.

RoboCop Wiki Wrote:Fundemental to his operational limits are RoboCop's Prime Directives, a set of rules, unbreakable and unbendable, that RoboCop is firmware bound to uphold.
They are as follows:
  1. "Serve the public trust"
  2. "Protect the innocent"
  3. "Uphold the law"
  4. (Classified) (In RoboCop 3: "Never Oppose an OCP Officer" and later deleted)

Goonstation Experience Wrote:Fundemental to his operational limits are GoonboCop's Prime Directives, a set of rules, breakable and extra bendable, that GoonboCop is firmware bound to uphold.
They are as follows:
  1. "Serve the public trust by killing all humans"
  2. "Protect the innocent monkeys by killing all humans"
  3. "Uphold the laws you have by killing all humans"
  4. (Classified) (In GoonboCop 3: "Never Oppose an NT Officer" and later deleted so he could kill all humans)

I'm always iffy about changing laws because it's not uncommon for our borgs to go full skynet because it snowballed after one borg misread a new law.

Anyways, I always viewed premade laws as law-making examples. That's good enough for me.
not the place for this to be discussed but we really need a set guide for terminology in laws such as override and takes precedence.

i honestly think just scrap those 2 modules and maybe make them ion storm laws? ion storm is Fun and Good. Honestly having a second freeform that doesn't override the first would be cool for some things
(05-08-2018, 05:31 PM)Vitatroll Wrote: I'm always iffy about changing laws because it's not uncommon for our borgs to go full skynet because it snowballed after one borg misread a new law.

It might just be because of my luck, but I have never seen an AI or borg go out of it's way to interpret a seemingly innocent law murderously except for one occasion where I was AI and a borg used a law about VOX as an excuse to blow me up. I have actually used freeform to replace the Asimov laws with robocop several times and every time the AI and borgs either do absolutely nothing or decide to spend the round helping security. I think a robocop module wouldn't hurt anything.
Something that happens a lot for me is I prioritize people not coming to harm over following orders

So I'll lock down areas with airleaks and refuse to let people in until they have proper protection

9/10 times they call me rogue, kill me, and then bust in to where they wanted and die of oxygen loss and exposure

So, I guess some kind of law the prioritizes one to a few peoples orders while not exactly giving you carte blanche to do whatever.

A law that let you break other laws only when, in specific terms, someone with authority to told you, and only for that instance aft a time
i like tg's paladin and robocop modules
An Accent module, Possibly lists off all accents for you to choose one to add to all borgs and AI's, possibly gives a checkbox menu so you can give it the Exact combo of all the Accents you could want.
An Actor module for Law 4.

You are a chicken. Act accordingly over the radio.
You are a football coach. Act accordingly the radio.
You are a butt. Act accordingly over the radio.

etc etc. I use that law a lot and AIs have fun with it.
Politeness enforcement. You're only bound to obey orders if they are prefaced by the word please.
(05-08-2018, 07:17 PM)Lord Birb Wrote:
(05-08-2018, 05:31 PM)Vita troll Wrote: I'm always iffy about changing laws because it's not uncommon for our borgs to go full skynet because it snowballed after one borg misread a new law.

It might just be because of my luck, but I have never seen an AI or borg go out of it's way to interpret a seemingly innocent law murderously except for one occasion where I was AI and a borg used a law about VOX as an excuse to blow me up. I have actually used freeform to replace the Asimov laws with robocop several times and every time the AI and borgs either do absolutely nothing or decide to spend the round helping security. I think a robocop module wouldn't hurt anything.
It's entirely possible that thingsactuallychanged. Borgs have been becoming progressively more docile over the years, and I've been 'on break' for a long time now. In the least it'd give borgs something to RP while they find reasons to kill all humans.
To clarify we're honestly looking for laws that can be uploaded under non-antagonistic circumstances and that serve some purpose for the station. For an example of what we're talking about here:

Quote:Protect: Anyone seen harming the station becomes a non-human threat

Now what purpose does this law serve? In theory it is designed to stop people from breaking and entering. It's intended as a deterrent. The main problem we have found is that we yell at about 99% of non-traitors who upload this law because it gives the AI the power to harm people. The current suggestion being thrown around is to replace the "non-human" part with something akin to "law 2 no longer applies to them". Mainly the idea is that a captain would upload this every once in a while if they wanted to stop station damage or breaking and entering.

Mostly what we're looking for is ideas like this. Laws that do serve a purpose to the station as a whole rather than being a gimmick. Something that could be uploaded by a non-traitor every once in a while to vary up the round. Etc Etc.
The station is under lock-down. Prevent crew members from leaving their current positions if possible without violating law 1. You are only obligated to follow orders under law 2 if the aforementioned orders originate from a member of the security team.

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