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Idea for how to use blood types
So, you know how everyone has blood types, and it doesn't mean anything? You know how we have blood transfusion possible? 

Well, what if, when you received a blood transfusion, it acted as a cure all for damage types?

There's two ways it could work

  1. Semi-Realistic: Receiving a correct donor to patient combo transfusion results in all damage healing during the transfusion
  2. More gamelike: Each blood type heals a specific type of damage. So if you wanted to heal brute you do AB but if you wanted to heal Oxygen you did O+

    With the second system, maybe picking a certain blood type gives you an overall boost in defense against the damage type it would heal in a transfusion

Another idea for the second system:

- A chem recipe that involves mixing all the blood types together to create some kind of wonder medicine that greatly boosted your health
Both of those sound pretty OP to me. What about a person simply drawing their own blood and putting it back in to heal their damage. Plus, unless medical starts without any blood, they'll have the easiest cure all. I like the idea that being given the wrong bloodtype is damaging to the person. Only slightly though.
(05-06-2018, 11:50 AM)kyle2143 Wrote: Both of those sound pretty OP to me. What about a person simply drawing their own blood and putting it back in to heal their damage.

Blood has a unique identifier for individual people. It's how the forensic scanners can tell the difference between whose blood is whose.

You simply check whether the blood they are receiving is theirs or another person's when getting a transfusion

Quote:Plus, unless medical starts without any blood, they'll have the easiest cure all. 

I think if having a blood type gives you a resistance to a damage type, you should be ineligible to receive that blood transfusion healing bonus

So getting the brute damage resistance blood type means you can only heal tox, burn, oxy, brain, and radiation damage from blood transfusions

I don't think it's anymore powerful than the purpose built medicines, the sleeper chambers, or cryotubes medbay already start with. Just give them a bag of each blood and then let them look for donors when they want refills.

Maybe your blood type damage resistance also only kicks into effect when your blood units are at a proper level.

Too low and you lose it, too high and it reverses into a weakness to a damage type.

You could probably also apply some chem stuff you need to do to the blood before it becomes suitable to use as medicine

As another bonus, this could factor into vampire stuff, as a vampire could heal specfic damage from eating specific blood types, or gain the damage resistance of the last blood type they ate
ahaha holy fuck
imagine a vampire chawing down on a dude's neck cause he has anti-fire blood and the crew's been trying to burn him
good idea misto

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