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Musket Traitor Item!
Pulled from the IQQ, A Musket would cost about 3 TC and would require you to load it like an actual musket, being 10x more painful to load than a rifle in one of those WW2 servers, dealing a measly 10-20 damage and only being useful for arpee or a crafty chemist who leaves his musket shots in a filled beaker for 5 minutes. Could also be used to heal teammates if used with omnizine.
Musket balls were actually VERY DEVASTATING when they were in effective use due to the shrapnel, bleeding, gangrene, and other lacking stuff in medical treatment.

Perhaps making them do 40-50 brute and shrapnel along with bleeding would be good enough.

For this power it should cost 8 TC and you get the actual musket, 2-3 containers of musket balls worth maybe 3-4 shots each, and some kind of special certificate saying something about thanking you for buying this artifact from the second intergalactic revolutionary war.
(04-29-2018, 10:38 AM)Drago156 Wrote: Musket balls were actually VERY DEVASTATING when they were in effective use due to the shrapnel, bleeding, gangrene, and other lacking stuff in medical treatment.

Perhaps making them do 40-50 brute and shrapnel along with bleeding would be good enough.

For this power it should cost 8 TC and you get the actual musket, 2-3 containers of musket balls worth maybe 3-4 shots each, and some kind of special certificate saying something about thanking you for buying this artifact from the second intergalactic revolutionary war.

Isn't that basically just a worse spacker at that point?
Maybe it could come in a bag of, like, 8 muskets, all ready to fire. Can be much more devastating than a Spacker, but take lots of time and inventory space to reload them all.

Also, from the IQQ:
(04-29-2018, 09:39 AM)Superlagg Wrote: To expand on this, it could be something like a crafted-together matchlock blunderbuss. Load some units of blackpowder, a sheet of paper, and some junk into the gun, put a lit match on the shooter-part, and you're ready to go! Has a slight delay between pulling the trigger and actually shooting, though. Doesn't explode like the zipgun, but is much more of a pain in the ass to use and doesn't take standard ammo.

This'd be more of an improvised weapon version of the Syndicate's revolutionary gun technology.
(04-29-2018, 10:38 AM)Drago156 Wrote: Musket balls were actually VERY DEVASTATING when they were in effective use due to the shrapnel, bleeding, gangrene, and other lacking stuff in medical treatment.

Perhaps making them do 40-50 brute and shrapnel along with bleeding would be good enough.

For this power it should cost 8 TC and you get the actual musket, 2-3 containers of musket balls worth maybe 3-4 shots each, and some kind of special certificate saying something about thanking you for buying this artifact from the second intergalactic revolutionary war.

Sadly we have actual medical care now (depending on Rebecca's mood) and the majority of damage would be taken post battle (which is why you would be able to store them in piss a chemical of choice. Also since this is the kind of thing you'd take on RP with a mustache 20 ish damage seems like enough if there's a decent stun and chance of bleeding, more for public execution and butt fuckery than actual use as a pseudo shotgun
I mean, if an item is getting added to the uplink, it is getting added to both servers, so in theory if you want to make a suggestion for an item, it should have fairly equal use in both servers, not just one or the other.

Another thing, I feel we have enough guns, considering the spacker, various pistols, and other job only weapons are all available so balancing this to make it unique would be quite challenging
I'm thinking it does the damage and the shrapnel, but if the target is 6+ spaces away the damage is much lower and doesn't inflict shrapnel or excessive bleeding (still a bullet though). If you want to keep the low cost make it take a solid 30 10 seconds to reload maybe?
It should fire grapeshot, i.e. a Spacker that’s only good at close range but fires pellets in a cone. And then takes 30 seconds to reload so you better have a plan after you fire.
The whole gimmick is that you have to load it realistically, adding gun powder, putting the rest in the barrel, adding the pellet, pulling out the stick, pushing down the ball, putting away the stick, etc.

I like the short range damage though, perhaps a solid 40-60 at close range with bleeding and a long stun whilst anything past 3 tiles is effectively a super bb gun doing 10-20 damage

Edit: By RP I'm referring to traitors who run around being corny comic villains, tying up ladies and leaving them in front of the crusher whilst twirling their mustache, not a traitor who roleplays a deep sated hatred for nanotrasen because they killed his father with a faulty musket.
this is a cute idea but honestly i dont think it has a place considering the already vast selection of guns
[Image: CAgfGXC.jpg]
Throwing my own two cents in -- I think the musket would be a good idea if it didn't act like a derpier version of another weapon.  

It'd be interesting if it were a loud as fuck weapon that you can hear across the station that would blow a limb off, but take a bit to reload (have maybe a 10s timer or so to reload? higher?), with it's aim being a little wonky but still managable.

But I'm also full of bad ideas on a good day.

Also, it's really funny the main medic on G1 has my real name, it threw me for a loop.
when you say musket i think derringers

muskets and derringers is like cookies and cream or farts and screams

what i think muskets should do is essentially be like stealth storages and disguises as any large object that doesnt immediately fit inside box type containers, so like a musket disguised as a saxophone or violin or a cake or hell a stun baton. whatever zany object to fool your target(s)

of course it'll be single shot and should be same as how derringer handles damage, point blank being maximum damage. after you shoot the holographic disguise is interrupted and in your hands is a big fuckin musket sprite.

TC price wise, if a derringer is 2 TC and the musket essentially having a similar approach to use, a musket could cost 4 TC provided it would be single use. it would require a backpack slot (unless you get a stealth storage), it wouldnt be as useful as say having a full on shotgun or hunting rifle, but like a derringer it could be your trump card. heh

it would totally fit the lore of having space muskets and space derringers and those revolutionary costumes, hell we'd have a new faction by the sounds of it

i can already imagine a musician running around with a sax or violin playing tunes across the station.
they duck in to the toilets for a bit and drop a musket in from their pda and smack a trumpet on it,
they'd continue spreading music in the halls while carrying what looks like an instrument in hand, sprite and all.

while everyones unsuspecting the imminent betrayal from the friendliest of foe
they blast the captain with a fiddle point blank, sending him flying into a vending machine, dead on the spot.
witnesses run and security try to stop the traitor maestro while they play piano and flip derringers from their sleeves

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