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More variety in crew objectives
Not sure if this is already being considered or reworked, but figured I would suggest it regardless.

A lot of the time when I play as a certain job, I get the same objective as last time. Some jobs I think have only one objective (CE's is ensure all furnaces are active at round end, QM's is ensure shipping budget is 50k). In addition, objectives can be quite easy to achieve (see: an afk Janitor on low pop) or otherwise just get ignored outright. An incentive for job completion could be additional pay rewarded at round end, and adding additional goals for crew members would help encourage players to actually do their jobs (instead of farting off into space ad infinitum). Several jobs also have goals that could be on a scale-based system; perhaps the harder the objective, the greater the bonus?

Ideally, I believe the best objectives would be those that promote interaction or cooperation among departments. The miners are trying to avoid using explosives, but can't cut through asteroids fast enough? Hit up the QM for some gear, or the Roboticist for a mining borg! The Chaplain's run out of holy water to bless others with? Contact the Science wing, or go help out Botany! A lot of jobs have the parts in place for this sort of stuff, like the cargo request consoles, MULE bot delivery points, belt hell, and mail chutes, but very often I see them go essentially unused all round.

Some ideas (not all jobs included/numbers just estimates):
  • Cook at least 5 different dishes in the station's kitchen.
  • Have at least 3 crew members eat your cooking.
  • Craft at least 10 different cocktails.
  • Replace at least 10 broken lightbulbs/tubes by round end
  • Clean at least 30 messes/tiles by round end
  • Bless at least 5 people with holy water by round end
  • Higher budget goals (100k/200k/500k)
  • Make at least 20 transactions (with traders)
  • Meet at least 3 requests from different traders
  • Fulfill all crew requests throughout the round
  • Piss off a trader to the point of them refusing further trade with you
  • Ensure the Brig/Medbay/Bar is structurally sound by round end
  • Ensure 75%/90%/99% of the station is structurally sound by round end
  • Construct a new room/wing to the station
  • Replace at least 20 damaged floor tiles by round end
  • Repair at least 20 damaged grills by round end
  • Manage to get the engine output up to (5GW, 1TW, 999TW) by round end
  • Create at least 3 new vending machines around the station by round end
  • Ensure no computers get damaged by round end
  • Construct a backup communications computer/escape shuttle call computer
  • Pull at least (5, 10, 15) different asteroids with the mining magnet by round end
  • Avoid using any form of mining explosive the entire round
  • Have at least 5 artifacts active by round end
  • Have an "X" type artifact active by round end
  • Ensure toxins is not destroyed/irreparably damaged by round end
  • Restore 3 players from critical condition by round end
  • Perform at least 5 ass-ectomies by round end
  • Replace/reattach at least 4 limbs by round end
  • Replace at least 4 limbs with robotic prostheses by round end
Security (Actual objectives for sec would probably be a bad idea...)
  • Issue at least 5 tickets to personnel by round end

Command (i.e. HoP, Cap, RD, MD, CE, HoS)
  • Ensure that some/most/all of your department's staff survives the round
  • Ensure no more than 5 casualties occur during the round
  • Ensure the station acquires at least (100k,250k,500k) credits by round end
Idea for a security objective: "You are a security officer on [insert station name here]. Recently, NanoTrasen has established an arrest quota of twenty crewmembers per shift. This is your duty to carry out. You may be a 'corrupt cop', but this is your job."
A 10/10 idea, brought to you by some of Shotgunbill's admin rounds.
How about some really suggestive but loose ended ones? Stuff like

"Have an anti-authoritarian attitude"
"Behave cowardly"
"Be brash to people"
"Sacrifice yourself to the greater good"
"If you go down, everyone is coming with you"

Almost like a motto rather than an objective
Id enjoy it if we had both Frank's idea AND Nemo's idea added
Create and sell a commodity no one in their right mind wants butt hats.
We already sometimes have issues with miscreant objectives and people thinking that they can do traitorous things because their objective kinda sorta says something similar, so some of the ones suggested here probably won't work. Another thing is that these objectives (ideally) need to be easy to track and verify, if we want to continue the end of round "x and y completed their crew objectives" thing.
Idea: You know that fake email program called viewpoint? Have objectives pop up as new emails throughout the round. You can respond to the emails to accept an objective, which gives you a goal and timeframe to complete something. Completing objectives earns you a nice cash bonus.

That way, you continue to get new optional goals throughout your shift with rewards you can apply to the round. You could even do department wind objectives, rather than just individual ones.
Holy shit that rules
That is an exceptional idea, and it also gives people who spawn without objectives the potential to find a goal later on in the round.
The emails could be largely fluff text, with a very simple goal the encourages visiting different departments

"Hi there *insert employee name" This is your one and only true friend, Discount Dan. We're running a promotion on Discount Dan branded self microwaving dinners. Simply EAT one of our DISCOUNT DAN'S MICROWAVE MEALS  and then TEXT #DISCOUNT DAN RULES to the CHEF'S personal PDA within the next THREE MINUTES and you can win $500 SPACE CREDITS. That's right, I'm paying you to eat my food! "
(04-24-2018, 09:26 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Idea: You know that fake email program called viewpoint? Have objectives pop up as new emails throughout the round. You can respond to the emails to accept an objective, which gives you a goal and timeframe to complete something. Completing objectives earns you a nice cash bonus.

That way, you continue to get new optional goals throughout your shift with rewards you can apply to the round. You could even do department wind objectives, rather than just individual ones.

Pls make a separate thread for this; it's a very good idea.

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