a wild mentor app appears!!!
Mentor Application!!!!
Usual Character Name: Dr. Swedlokim
BYOND Username: Shoddyunl
Recommended by (if applicable): Spigot The Bear, Don Geon.
Times Available: Depends, but usually 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM ( Eastern Time; Us & Canada)

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): well i’ve been around for awhile and i have always noticed that, as I learn others may be just joining, usually as security. I’ve many a times helped people out, a lot of the time it’s issues with basic controls and ( this is hard to phrase) how they deal with other people.
The reason i want to apply is obviously to help people out, to whatever extent i have to as long as it’s within the rules.

I take enjoyment in seeing other people learn from me, because i know much of the stuff i can help them out with is really important, like a security officer with no idea how to deal with people, OR wield his weapons fairly and effectively, or the botanist who doesn’t know how to get the best water level and just keeps over-pouring.

I have extensive experience with chemistry, knowing such recipes as Grog and stuff, but i’m not up to date with the new recipes. I also know how to set traps, work weapons, use and make or break pods, and how to be a fair and fun command dumbass.
I also have some good experience with cooking, killing, and farting.
I am most experienced in these jobs though: Quartermaster, Medical Doctor, Security, HoP/Captain, Assistant, Clown, Mechanic, Botanist, Chef, Barman.
Other jobs i usually just do for a fun gimmick, i am severely lacking in information on how to get the best engine setup, and since genetics is being changed all my knowledge is gone!

I’m okay at making bombs as a scientist, terrible with the teleporter ( never tried it) and okay-ish with artifact research.

I think it’d be really cool to be able to help out new players in this great game, the people here are cool dudes and the game is spectacular so adding more players with proper skills and a good attitude is a good thing to do I guess!
This is why I applied for mentor, not very original or charming but I promise to get the job done!

if you take this into consideration I might be able to fulfill my dream job of able to help people learn how to mop floors correctly and tell them they cannot pick up the nuke.

Thanks for reading through this pile of steaming exposition.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): oh god... it covered the entire station.. w-why? WHY!?

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): i had a previous Perma-ban back in the No Fun days because i fucked up the first time making a bomb thinking it was a dud and blew myself up.

PS: R.I.P Shrek Heh.
Swedlokim has been pretty cool basically every time I've seen him in the game, and although I've never asked him for help he does seem to know his shit from what I've seen.

Speaking in favor!
I'm always happy to see Dr. Swedlokim in my department when I play because he knows his stuff and is generally a good person. Mentor material for sure.
Looks good. you get a Yes
A yes from me
If this was a HoS application, I'd of said yes too, always happy to have swed on my squad
Swed is pretty amazing. I hardly get to play with you, but if I'm ever in a bind, or if you have the time, I can always seek you for help in anything. Not only do you know a lot of shit, but you are an actual fun player! Mentors should know how to play the game, but you go above and Byond the call of duty in that regard. A yes from me.
I've noticed Shoddyunl spends a large amount of time playing the game, he is usually online when I join.

He's a good player and trustworthy. Yes.
Heh, i'm flattered thanks for the support guys!

Also, he should be applying for HoS.

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