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An experiment.
Grek gets it
(02-15-2018, 05:04 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Grek gets it
(02-15-2018, 02:45 AM)Firepower Wrote: Honestly I agree with a lot of what was said earlier, being that security can't really enact any serious consequences on people. Murder is for the most part out of the question unless the person is a confirmed antagonist. So if you're just a shitter devoting your round to messing with security without any real reason, the worst security can do is throw you into the brig for a couple minutes... Where you can just cause even MORE trouble by smashing the windows of the brig, fighting security when they try to stop you, escaping and making security chase you again, etc.

I don't think 2-3 minutes in the brig is really a deterrent to anyone. I'd appreciate it if the prison station were brought back. On Donut I would occasionally lock up the worst offenders in the gas chamber and pump N2O into their cell for the rest of the round because I just couldn't handle dealing with these shitty players anymore. Not that I'm suggesting N2O gas chambers, but some way to remove the ability for a staff assistant to fuck with security for the remainder of the round would be swell. If that means bringing back the prison station then cool.

Maybe then security would be taken more seriously and the culture surrounding security would change a bit.
If people fuck around in the public brig, I throw them in solitary confinement for another minute (if you do your job, the only way out is through space, which they shouldn't survive if they're not a ling).  If that somehow STILL doesn't get them to calm down, they get chucked into the port-a-brig for another minute.

I also saw that some security will saw off limbs or eyes from the worst of shitlers, which isn't bad actually.  Nothing says "I'm tired of your shit, knock it the fuck off" like suddenly being unable to interact without right clicking.
(02-15-2018, 06:57 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote:
(02-15-2018, 05:04 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Grek gets it


Also I like the idea of some armors being sting-proof and helmets being implant proof. Them not being able to spawn as a antag means fuck all these days. Unless the bug has been fixed you can use antag tokens to spawn as security while as a antag. People have no reason to trust security after the 10 minute mark and that's assuming there's any trust at all.

Bring back the prison station. I miss it so much.
(02-15-2018, 08:58 AM)Ed Venture Wrote:
(02-15-2018, 06:57 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote:
(02-15-2018, 05:04 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Grek gets it


Popping in to say how much I loathe mindslave implants in general. Probably the only person that does, though.
Security should have implants that prevent mindslaving imo. So if you wanna make one your goon you gotta cut it out or something beforehand. That may reinforce the feeling of security (HEH) around the officers.
(02-15-2018, 12:28 PM)Darkchis Wrote: Security should have implants that prevent mindslaving imo. So if you wanna make one your goon you gotta cut it out or something beforehand. That may reinforce the feeling of security (HEH) around the officers.

(02-15-2018, 12:21 PM)Vitatroll Wrote: Popping in to say how much I loathe mindslave implants in general. Probably the only person that does, though.

It really depends on who uses it honestly.  Some people will give you one and basically let you do whatever you want, effectively buying you a free antag round.  Some will try to force you to do things to cover up for them or force the heat onto you, some will force you into helping them with a scheme.

Fuck the ones that just tell you to die though.  Even C-Sabers are more fun than that.  Least it leaves a bloody mess filled with limbs.
Speaking of which, I rarely notice when my implant is up, after it expires am I allowed to continue on as an evil doer (Stockholm Syndrome?) or do I have to go back to being a buzz killin good guy
Once an implant runs out, you're no longer under the traitors control and lose your forced antag status. Any antag thing you do have to be either done with the victims approval (Hey, wanna try out my latest death trap?) or against someone you know as an antag.

In other words, if you somehow survive the...what is it, 30 minutes? That you're under their command, you can kill them the next time you see them if you want.
Most people use the deluxe mind slave implant to avoid being killed by their slave.
So this thread has been derailed fairly hard, lets go back to topic and give our Binary answer to the original proposal

I say, for a few days of testing, yes (Despite Sec being a blast to play if ya do it right)
I will sometimes do a gimmick where I order three mindslave implants and three microbombs and stick one of each into my mindslaves. Then I give one a knife, one a fork and one a spoon and tell them to shank as many people as humanly possible with their assigned weapon before the mindslave implant runs out.
(02-16-2018, 01:05 AM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: So this thread has been derailed fairly hard, lets go back to topic and give our Binary answer to the original proposal


I think a great point's been brought up, that Sec is supposed to be one of the few people you can actually trust not to be evil. Right now, it's pretty easy to subvert Sec in very non-obvious ways, and thus there's no real basis to trust them to be anything other than a mindslave/ling.

This might contribute to the station's apathy! If there's nobody you can rely on, at least not in any meaningful capacity, you're more or less all alone when it goes south. This is kinda demoralizing, especially since you risk everything to fight back against the badguys.

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