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There's a PDA function for notes. However, it is 100% utterly useless garbage. This is becase of the fact that you can "Add-Note" and then "Notes". Currently, PDAs are pretty useless for anything but blowing up other people's PDAs (which they probably threw away anyway, on account of how useless they are). But, if there was no way to make and view a note without one, they would be at least marginally more useful. At least, to the players who use notes. I don't know if anyone other than me does, but anyway it would be cool i guess if pdas did something
Considering PDAs would probably be at least a thousand times more useful with one tiny change like this, I think it's a p good idea or something idk
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Wat? Since when is this game stream lined? Add_note is pretty much memory, where pda function is other stuff. Pdas are pretty useful if you use them correctly, and if you throw them away you're the worst
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Klayboxx Wrote:Pdas are pretty useful if you use them correctly
That is a blatant lie, and you know it.
Klayboxx Wrote:Wat? Since when is this game stream lined?
It's not about streamlining the game, it's about giving PDAs some sort of actual maybe useful features other than robustris
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PDAs are quite useful. You can combine the function of multiple pieces of equipment into one PDA with the right programs, and some PDA programs don't have non-PDA equivalents.
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Reagent Scanners only exist on PDAs. Scientists always have their PDA on them.
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Medical PDAs are useful for having a health scan and reagent scan.
Scientist PDAs have reagent and Signalex, for remote-detonated things.
All head PDAs have various useful functions.
I don't get why people toss their PDAs, unless you're a Miner or Janitor or something it's pretty universally useful. Just shove it in your box either way
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Even if you start as a profession without a useful PDA cartridge, it's not hard to buy a useful one from the vendor.
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As a detective, I always take my PDA to scan for fingerprints.
Removing 'add-note' wouldn't really make people use PDAs more.
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I most often use add note for when I'm a nuke agent, to remember the code and because nuke agents do not get their own personal PDA.
Notes on the PDA are good is you want to eventually show or share them with someone else.
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Doctor, Scientist, and Security PDA's are useful.
Doctor pda's have both a health scanner function, and a reagent scanner (but only one can be enabled at a time)
Sec pda's can do forensic scans, and you can also use them to summon beepsky.
Scientist PDA's can scan reagents.
By themselves PDA's are limited to playing tetris and messaging, but with the right pda cart you can have some fun.
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This is a terrible idea.
Notes are useful for traitors, who want to actually keep notes. People who want to remember things even if their PDA blows up, telescientists who don't use excel sheets, people paranoid of changelings, and all sorts of things. It'd be like removing pockets so that people would "use boxes more".
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I actually use PDAs to PM people, so ha.
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PDAs are really useful, it's just the addition of Detomatix a while back makes people not want to hang onto them, thus they never discover the range of uses PDAs have.
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The thing is, detomatix is super easy to avoid if you turn off the messaging function. Plus if you're a huge nerd there is probably lots of crazy things you can do with PDAs, even without a cart in it. I'm pretty sure you can even download functions of the individual carts onto your PDA.
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You can also send people PDA software using the file send feature.
e.g Copy a reagent scanner for drugs.