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Pod Spot Lights - For Space Visibility

In light of changes to the lighting system, I propose we give pods spot lights, the new lighting system has made it ridiculously hard for me to enjoy the lovingly crafted sprites in the derelict z-level, in addition, it has severely effected my ability to identify structures in space, both on foot and in my pod.

Given that segways (they are a vehicle) have lights/sirens it should be doable from a coding stand point, right? Plus,  metaironysarcasm quoting realism metaironysarcasm quoting.

Please consider this, it's no secret that I am not a fan of the changes to the lighting system, however, I believe if we cannot improve it, that we can find ways to improve the quality of our fellow spacemen/women(s) lives who suffer through the negative aspects and tolerate it begrudgingly. Oh... heh, I was just...
Yeah, proper headlights on pods would be sweet. Maybe the sec pods could even get blues-and-twos for chasing down crimers in space.
I think we could add this to pod customization, allowing you to change the headlights. Maybe add colored headlight modules similar to the colored light bulbs/tubes and add them to the ship component fabber.
(06-05-2017, 12:08 PM)Calebc789 Wrote: I think we could add this to pod customization, allowing you to change the headlights. Maybe add colored headlight modules similar to the colored light bulbs/tubes and add them to the ship component fabber.

I think this should be default on all pods, it's dark in space, adding color customization in the way you say would be cool as well. smilie with a protruding tongue
Not sure if this is allowed, but I'm bumping it, I think it's a decent idea and some seemed to like it.
Made a similar thread, but was told it would be difficult to code.
(01-28-2018, 03:12 AM)Haprenti Wrote: Made a similar thread, but was told it would be difficult to code.

It sounds like they need to reduce the complication of the lighting system, if a flashlight works in space, pod lights should be able to. I gave an example of this technology already in use, on the segway (a vehicle).

I want to be able to enjoy the sprites in space, I get it, darkness is great for mood, but it makes very little sense pods cannot cast light if everything is undeniably dark while navigating space. butt

Of course, I don't code, but I think this is a problem that was made at the expense of proper exploring and enjoyment of sprites.

For those reasons, I don't agree with the assessment, if it's too difficult, find another way. frown

Been hoping since June 2017.
I did a bit of coding. Added a "star light" to pods which functions similarly to flashlights. This was based on the 2016 goon branch so I cannot say this implementation would work in the current branch, nor can I say if it would cause horrible horrible lag.

See link for pics: StarLight prototype a fancy greater domestic space-bee

The button in the top left corner is for the lights; mostly a placeholder. Also it shows as two levels of buttons here but in the current version there is way more space up top for buttons. This is how I imagine a light subsystem working for pods but I am not in charge of those calls.
Awesome job Tombi, maybe someone can give it a lookieloo, to see if it will work without significant impact to the server.
Looks impressive. How is it while the pod's in flight?
(01-28-2018, 05:07 PM)Studenterhue Wrote: Looks impressive. How is it while the pod's in flight?

I did not notice an effect on performance (though this was only me on a local server) and it functions near identical to carrying around a flashlight except the light is 'attached' to the pod. Space tiles do not light up as expected but structures will.
Does it work fine for 2x2 pods ? I'm can't tell from that screen, is the light evenly distributed on the 4 tiles or concentrated on the bottom left tile of the pods ? Anyway that's great.
(01-29-2018, 08:23 AM)Haprenti Wrote: Does it work fine for 2x2 pods ? I'm can't tell from that screen, is the light evenly distributed on the 4 tiles or concentrated on the bottom left tile of the pods ? Anyway that's great.

looks like the bottom left, best seen on the top right big pod. you can see the cutoff from the flashlight on its right side, while it extends out on the left.
(01-29-2018, 09:05 AM)cyberTripping Wrote:
(01-29-2018, 08:23 AM)Haprenti Wrote: Does it work fine for 2x2 pods ? I'm can't tell from that screen, is the light evenly distributed on the 4 tiles or concentrated on the bottom left tile of the pods ? Anyway that's great.

looks like the bottom left, best seen on the top right big pod. you can see the cutoff from the flashlight on its right side, while it extends out on the left.

Easiest way to do it would be to attach four light sources to the pod, three of them being displaced onto the other three tiles.
(01-29-2018, 08:23 AM)Haprenti Wrote: Does it work fine for 2x2 pods ? I'm can't tell from that screen, is the light evenly distributed on the 4 tiles or concentrated on the bottom left tile of the pods ? Anyway that's great.

Currently the light only exists on the bottom left of the sprite (for 2x2s anyway) regardless of the direction being faced.

(01-29-2018, 12:32 PM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote: Easiest way to do it would be to attach four light sources to the pod, three of them being displaced onto the other three tiles.

This is a possible solution but I'd like to try having it so that the lights exist on the front two tiles and change with the direction. I'll get to coding and see how it goes.

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