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Mindslave Notification
It's been argued that being mindslaved is kinda bad and sometimes hard to tell, seeing as how the BIG RED TEXT can be hard to notice while other BIG RED TEXT is on the screen. Some suggestions, which I could not find, were to have a window pop up telling you that you have been mindslaved. I was thinking of something sort of the same, but maybe easier? How about having it automatically update your notes telling you who your master is as well? It will pop up, and if you ever forget who it was, you can reopen it and find out again.
I'm pretty sure it already does this. I rarely, if ever, open my notes however.
I really can't think of any obvious examples of other BIG RED TEXT filling up the screen in the way that mindslave notifications do, other than the HOLY SHIT UR TRIPPIN BALLS space drugs notification. Is this really a problem?

I wouldn't be averse to a popup/notes update, though. I did have one occasion where I was mindslaved while my connection farted out for thirty seconds and I never found out about it, which was kind of unfortunate.
Yeah, if there was a popup and a notes update that would fix the problem with tricking people into wearing the bomb simulator/other VR goggles and mindslaving them, since the message doesn't get through.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't update the notes, I recall that I got mindslaved recently and checked my notes to see if it did and it didn't. I might be misremembering, though.
A pop-up similar to when you spawn as a traitor would be nice. It could explain to pubbies what being a mindslave means and how it's played.
I noticed that spy mindslaves see a badge with an I over their master. That would not be annoying like a pop up, but still show you that something has changed, and you should look at your log if you didn't notice.

Also Vampiric thralls should be able to see a badge over their master.
Hard Boiled Wrote:It's been argued that being mindslaved is kinda bad and sometimes hard to tell, seeing as how the BIG RED TEXT can be hard to notice while other BIG RED TEXT is on the screen. Some suggestions, which I could not find, were to have a window pop up telling you that you have been mindslaved. I was thinking of something sort of the same, but maybe easier? How about having it automatically update your notes telling you who your master is as well? It will pop up, and if you ever forget who it was, you can reopen it and find out again.


That'll make it stick out easier, you darn goofs who don't see it.
Don't forget about people who leave for a minute, though. Sometimes I go grab a drink, or use the restroom, some dude mindslaves me and leaves, and by the time I'm back the generic radio noise has scrolled the mindslave notification off. This happened to me just the other day while playing Sec. A pop-up window can't be scrolled off the screen, or masked by a lot of radio chatter.
I never had a problem telling that I was mindslaved, because you fall over and get stunned for a few seconds, but it did happen on multiple occasions now that I missed the wearing off message in the middle of spacemen combat.
I'm also dumb and didn't notice a thing. If you get disconnected, when you reconnect, it should altogether show you what sort of special role you are. ("Welcome back. You are a traitor/mindslave to Luis Smith/changeling/vampire/george melons.")
I still say mindslave-related messages should get a different colour.

Ugh, why would you mindslave someone who wasn't playing? I guess a pop-up is needed too.

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