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Soda Quality of Life
So sodas are better now, because glass bottles render their reagent colors. But I think they could be more better.

- Make it so you can rename a bottle with a pen after you've renamed it once. We don't, as far as I know, have a way to make more glass bottles so we need to recycle 'em.
- Add glass bottles to some kind of fabricator if they aren't already, or QM.

- Make it also possible to change the description of a bottle with a pen, to add a tagline to it.
- Add some sort of way to add a label to the bottle, even if it's just slapping on a sticky note and then crayoning it a certain color. It'd add to the feeling of legitimacy.

- Because making your own sodas out of medical herbs/weed/cryoxadone is fun and I like pouring raw Dan's sewage into bottles and marketing it as DANGER DRINKS.
can we import a drawing utensil to allow us to actually draw logos for our soda bottles? obviously gonna be some rules about it
You can make glass bottles at a glass recycler, the same thing you make glasses from. They're in bars, and sometimes in chemistry depending on the map (also the space diner if you can't get to them for whatever reason). You can use the handheld labelers found all over/in stationery cabinets to name your bottles.

The fancier bottles (the ones that are fancily colored glass/artsy labels) aren't able to made, and I personally think that should stay like that - makes them more unique.

I would approve of the following:
  • bottle + paper = labelled bottle (visually, it has a white label running around it)
  • labelled bottle + marker lets you label it something unique (as per the unique bottles), e.g. "McAssistant's Lukewarm Urine"
  • labelled bottle + crayon colors in the paper to give it a background
  • labelled bottle + pen/pencil lets you change its description text (though it would still include some stuff about it being a bottle)
  • labelled bottle + splash of acetone = bottle
This could be extended to other containers that it makes sense for, specifically the larger reagent bottles, the smaller reagent bottles, and beakers. Probably not suitable for glasses, maybe for vials.

An extension of this that touches materials and is therefore terrifying would be to add them to the nanofabricators, which would create bottles made out of crystal material (glass, molitz, gems, telecrystals, whatever godforsaken alloy you've made).

There's no reason we couldn't have variants of the nanofabricators to fill specific roles (e.g. one that can only spit out assorted glassware/cutlery), then put those in the right places.
How about also a bottling machine that accepts a keg, paper, and artistry implements and outputs custom bottles filled with your favorite yuck? Like a fancy Chemaster to help mass produce your artisanal seepings.

Could even have a neato GUI to set the look of your bottle, maybe even some dyes to color the glass or the liquid inside.
(11-28-2017, 12:48 PM)Mordent Wrote: You can make glass bottles at a glass recycler, the same thing you make glasses from. They're in bars, and sometimes in chemistry depending on the map (also the space diner if you can't get to them for whatever reason). You can use the handheld labelers found all over/in stationery cabinets to name your bottles.

The fancier bottles (the ones that are fancily colored glass/artsy labels) aren't able to made, and I personally think that should stay like that - makes them more unique.

I would approve of the following:
  • bottle + paper = labelled bottle (visually, it has a white label running around it)
  • labelled bottle + marker lets you label it something unique (as per the unique bottles), e.g. "McAssistant's Lukewarm Urine"
  • labelled bottle + crayon colors in the paper to give it a background
  • labelled bottle + pen/pencil lets you change its description text (though it would still include some stuff about it being a bottle)
  • labelled bottle + splash of acetone = bottle
This could be extended to other containers that it makes sense for, specifically the larger reagent bottles, the smaller reagent bottles, and beakers. Probably not suitable for glasses, maybe for vials.

An extension of this that touches materials and is therefore terrifying would be to add them to the nanofabricators, which would create bottles made out of crystal material (glass, molitz, gems, telecrystals, whatever godforsaken alloy you've made).

There's no reason we couldn't have variants of the nanofabricators to fill specific roles (e.g. one that can only spit out assorted glassware/cutlery), then put those in the right places.

bless you mordent. bless you

Also I did have the idea of some simple dye reagents, which I'm going to make a separate thread about because I think they could have some hilarious implications done properly.
Make colored fancier bottles available by using gems or other crystals from mining.
How about those nice telecrystal bottles filled with port ? Or how about a wonderful glass of Dragon's Breath from a plasmastone-erebite alloy bottle ?

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