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Telescience help.

I need help with telescience. I've read the wiki about it and followed authors suggestion to let my computer do it for me. I've made a simple win32 console program in which I input coordinates and it calculates 'm' and 'c' constants. The problem is that program gets wiki example all correct, but when it comes to ingame coordinates it's just doing everything wrong I think.

Proof that my program calculates wiki example correctly:
[Image: 78732877.png]
you do know the results are random every round right? Also. WTF.
Yeah, I know results are different every round. That's why I wrote this thing. It calculates 'm' and 'c' itself...
Congratulations. You took the fun out of telescience and have turned it into nothing but a trivial traitor tool. Hope you're proud!
Seriously: Just use the ingame "notes" function and your computer's calculator app. It's really goddamn easy, people.
You're wanted x/y are being put in the wrong equation for calculating your needed inputs.
Am I the only one that thinks it's pretty cool to construct a program for that? It's just some dedication that's nice to see.
It's cool, yeah, but it kinda cheapens the deal. Especially since it's a bit over complicated for what telescience is. So, good job, legitimately, but don't distribute it to other people. Let them do their own thing.
I made a c++ console program for telescience, but then I decided that it was unwieldy to manage both the ss13 windows and the program window at the same time
It can be done in a simple excel spreadsheet. Why go to all the trouble of building a program? (said the guy who doesn't know how complicated that really is)
Xenonia Wrote:Congratulations. You took the fun out of telescience and have turned it into nothing but a trivial traitor tool. Hope you're proud!
Seriously: Just use the ingame "notes" function and your computer's calculator app. It's really goddamn easy, people.
Yeah, but it takes me much more time than just letting my comp do that for me :P

UrsulaMejor Wrote:You're wanted x/y are being put in the wrong equation for calculating your needed inputs.
I didn't understand your post. Could you explain at little bir more?

Source of this program isn't complicated and it wasn't hard to script it.
Your desired X and Y are at the front of the equation. So for an example on the wiki and using your numbers:
So to rearrange this:
(35-26)/3=x, where x is the required x coordinate
This same idea is applied to Y, so you just have to rearrange the formula so that it subtracts your 'c' from your desired and then divides it by your 'm'

I made a spreadsheet that does everything for me, it ends up being quicker this way.
Noxxels Wrote:Your desired X and Y are at the front of the equation. So for an example on the wiki and using your numbers:
So to rearrange this:
(35-26)/3=x, where x is the required x coordinate
This same idea is applied to Y, so you just have to rearrange the formula so that it subtracts your 'c' from your desired and then divides it by your 'm'

I made a spreadsheet that does everything for me, it ends up being quicker this way.

Thanks. Everything is working fine right now!
Honestly, I'm not really concerned with telescience cheat programs now.

I figure if someone spends the time making a telescience cheat program, they probably know more about telescience then most people.

As long as they don't share it, I don't see the big deal.
I'm known for nerding it one step too far but this is too much for even me. Whatever the fuck happened to using spreadsheets like NORMAL PEOPLE?
Marquesas Wrote:I'm known for nerding it one step too far but this is too much for even me. Whatever the fuck happened to using spreadsheets like NORMAL PEOPLE?
I don't know how to use excel. C++ is miles easier for me.

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