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is pretty useless for feigning death cause you can't control it and is instead just used as an uberpowered sleepypen chem??

why not fix it by making it so someone who is playing dead with capulettum can click 'resist' or 'stand' to wake up
Because then it would not work at all as a sleepypen chem?
The only problem with Capulettium I have is that it's far too easy to make for what it can do. I took me a single minute to make a batch with the right ballance of other chems and forcefeed it to the other scientist for a free kill, it's nuts.

I think it should at least require something more difficult to get for the first variant.
I would love if regular capulettium made you unable to move, but left you some ability to speak; maybe with frequent stuns to cut off your phrases in -EEK and -OOOF.

There's nothing more funny than the screams of someone that see his own death, but can't do anything about it.
And as for cap plus, that should have the ability to talk/move as normal but with the dead descriptor appearing upon examine, and changing help intent interaction to fake CPR.
the original intent of capulettum (as suggested by the name) was something you'd give to yourself to feign death, which is why the enhanced version gives you awareness of your surroundings-- great if you're trying to feign death, useless if you're using it as a poison on someone
Clarks Wrote:I would love if regular capulettium made you unable to move, but left you some ability to speak; maybe with frequent stuns to cut off your phrases in -EEK and -OOOF.

There's nothing more funny than the screams of someone that see his own death, but can't do anything about it.

This would definitely be better, not useful as a sleepychem as the person would shout and OOOF immediately tipping off everyone with a radio, making it much more likely to be used to feign death.

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