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Station of Despair. Final Chapter
Jonathon Follows the ominous trail of footprints.
(10-26-2017, 06:27 AM)Newtonsolo Wrote: ooc: just have no interest in this... like at all... i was expecting shenanigans not some sort of murder mystery with a robot that has basically noped away every idea i’ve had
But the robots supposed to be an asshole Eh, if it's not your thing, then it's probably my fault for not explaining things really well.  Thanks for trying anyways and especially thanks for letting me know.
(10-26-2017, 11:23 AM)HydroFloric Wrote: Jonathon Follows the ominous trail of footprints.

The first thing you notice about the footprints while following them is that, outside of the common path between the station halves, they almost all look the same.

The second thing you notice is that some of them seem really fresh, specifically the ones heading straight between the main path and an empty plot.  There's a possibility someone came in here after last night.

Even more concerning, they match the majority of footprints.
(10-23-2017, 12:52 AM)Technature Wrote:
(10-23-2017, 12:34 AM)poland spring Wrote: Character Name: Prospector Pete
Gender: Male
Age: OLD
Height: Shortish
Weight: Skin 'n bones
Job: Supposedly a miner but shows up everywhere
Strength: Extremely slippery, hard to arrest/pin down
Weakness: Space Gold
Other: Has a habit of popping up in odd places
Number: 15 I think Actually it's gonna be 3

Dreadfully sorry, but the slots are full at the moment.  If someone goes AFK though, I'll send a PM asking if you're still interested.

PM has been sent and received, you're all set to go.
OOC: It's a shame, but I don't think I'm going to be able to actively participate in this RP thing. I've been busy with things like illness and work lately, so I don't have lots of time to constantly check the forum for new posts and such. Sorry, but I think you're going to have to dismiss me.
ooc:That sucks.  Well, thanks for letting me know.

Edit:I just realized I missed this and I'm so sorry I swear pleasedon'tholditagainstmeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh

(10-25-2017, 09:29 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote: Nathan thinks for a while, checks the map from the PDA thingo, then heads off to investigate the medbay near the bar for anything suspicious or missing.

From what you can tell, there doesn't seem to be much missing from here aside from a couple band aids...It seems like none of the medicine in here is involved in the case.
Ooc:so are you saying the fresh footprints look the same as all the others?
OOC : so did i never manage to get anything out of her stomach or anything? I really wanted to analyse /what/ she ingested, not just "Stuff what dont belong in people"
Nathan sighs, puts his head in his hands for a sec, then walks off to the food storage and checks that out too.
(10-27-2017, 12:08 PM)HydroFloric Wrote: Ooc:so are you saying the fresh footprints look the same as all the others?


(10-27-2017, 12:26 PM)John Warcrimes Wrote: OOC : so did i never manage to get anything out of her stomach or anything? I really wanted to analyse /what/ she ingested, not just "Stuff what dont belong in people"

"Oh man, you needed my attention?  You would not believe my day.  Pointing out corpses, disposing of rule breakers.  Running a killing game is hard work, let me tell you.  Anywho, I'll see if I can't get that looked at.  It'll take a bit of time, so you bastards better be patient."

"Huh?  Yeah, I got everything recorded and can look at the records at any time for answers.  What's your point?"

Seems it's not budging on this.

(10-27-2017, 05:36 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote: Nathan sighs, puts his head in his hands for a sec, then walks off to the food storage and checks that out too.

Checking food storage yields...nothing out of the ordinary.  There seems to be nothing in here related to current events.


A pleasant noise begins ringing throughout the halls.  In contrast, the tvs turn on and show the cyborg lounging about.

"So...uh, how do I put this...I'm bored.  Like, really freaking bored.  I think it's about time we get to the main event."

"Please make your way to the Net Cafe to be transported to the courtroom.  Hope you're ready."

"And no slacking off.  Attendance is mandatory, and those who don't arrive will be punished."

With that, the tv turns off.  It appears the map has updated again.

[Image: tumblr_oy6ip1FJvc1rpf6nso2_1280.png]

Seems pretty clear cut on what it wants you to do.
Phoebe Buzz quickly heads towards the Net Cafe, hoping not to be left behind.
Nathan groans at his lack of progress after finally deciding to investigate, and speed-walks over to the courtroom.

"wonder if i can pick up a blue suit along the way"
"Huh? The courtroom isn't usually by the net cafe... is it?"

Marcy hops out from behind the counter and hurries along to the net cafe.
Large subtly pats his pocket to make sure his glass of acid is still there.
Spill-proof drinking glasses, what a bright future we live in after all.
He follows the crowd.
The cyborg shows up in the net cafe.  Seems a little annoyed.

"Why is it so small in here?  And where's my music.  I only agreed to show if my music played any time I was around."  The hell is it talking about?

"And why isn't everyone here anyways?  I made specific instructions that were easy to follow.  I  even updated your maps so you idiots wouldn't get lost."

"Oh well.  Can't say I didn't warn them."

And after that, the robot took off.  A few minutes, via shoving, dragging, or hair pulling, everyone was moved to the net cafe.

"You idiots should be happy actually being in a restricted room doesn't break a rule.  You'd be joining the station idiot right now.  Now, let's see, what was I doing?"

"Oh yes.  As I mentioned, we'll be having a trial after the investigation.  And it'll be right behind this door!"  The door immediately space!  "Oh yeah.  I forgot about that."  The door closed immediately.  The bridge begins to extend and pressurize.

..............."Okay, so this is gonna take a bit.  Why do humans need to breath?  It's so ANNOYING."
Phoebe Buzz checks the computers while waiting.

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