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Station of Despair. Final Chapter
Harper jolts awake suddenly, sitting bolt upright and looking around in a panic.

"Oh fuck..." she mutters under her breath
"Already late on my first day of work..."

She stands up and scrambles around for her uniform and her equipment before heading out into the main body of the bedroom area. 
(ID, PDA, Toolbox, Insulated Gloves, Headset and Backpack)

It just occured to me that Rule 8 is going to make creative murders and murder obfuscation very difficult
(10-14-2017, 04:08 PM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote:
It just occured to me that Rule 8 is going to make creative murders and murder obfuscation very difficult

I just realized it could be interpreted as "Don't touch bodies period".

Changed it to make it a little more clear on what I intended.
(10-14-2017, 04:20 PM)Technature Wrote:
(10-14-2017, 04:08 PM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote:
It just occured to me that Rule 8 is going to make creative murders and murder obfuscation very difficult

I just realized it could be interpreted as "Don't touch bodies period".

Changed it to make it a little more clear on what I intended.

Does stabbing somebody in order to hide the cause of death count as destroying/dismemberment?

Also can it be assumed that the normal stuff is in all of the areas? Like the vending machines in the bedroom etc.
(10-14-2017, 04:33 PM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote:
(10-14-2017, 04:20 PM)Technature Wrote:
(10-14-2017, 04:08 PM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote:
It just occured to me that Rule 8 is going to make creative murders and murder obfuscation very difficult

I just realized it could be interpreted as "Don't touch bodies period".

Changed it to make it a little more clear on what I intended.

Does stabbing somebody in order to hide the cause of death count as destroying/dismemberment?

Also can it be assumed that the normal stuff is in all of the areas? Like the vending machines in the bedroom etc.

I think the best way to put it would be as long as the bodies weight doesn't change it's fair game (adding a fake cause of death is fine, I just don't really know the best way to write a "Somebody disappeared for seemingly no reason" thing).

Unless specified otherwise, the rooms are the same as if it was Cog 2 (The most notable difference being the gym which takes up the second Staff Assistant spawn, has significantly more gym equipment, and has a large empty area (and a small burn mark courtesy of the robot)).
Large Handsomes lifts a leg and lets out a fart he's been holding for an entire week.
"That's...that's kinda gross Large."

Adam had walked into the gym shortly before hearing Large unleash what could be only described as "Oh sweet christ not again".

"I've left my book in here somewhere, I'm pretty sure of it. Have you seen it?"

I'd rather not lose the only thing that has the basic description and names of the crew. They've been getting irate at me forgetting their names as of late...

"What about you Irene? You see it anywhere?"

Irene sat at the chair, giving no answer.

"Must be napping or something. Whatever, I'll find it sooner or later."
Nathan suddenly stands up from his space galaga and stretches his back. You can hear more bones than there should be in a human body cracking, and he casually walks off to the gym to work out without a word to anyone

A pleasant noise sounded over the intercomm, followed by the TVs turning on.  The cyborg appeared on the tv.

"Attention crew.  I have an announcement to make."

"A body has been discovered!"

"After a given amount of investigation with which you can use however you please, a trial will take place to determine who did this heinous crime."

"That is all."



...did that announcement really just say that?

Adam had looked visibly panicked, but nothing was set in stone.  It's probably fucking with people again, but...

"Large, Irene, Nathan, we're getting to the bottom of this.  I need everyone to look around and confirm this."

The others had at least shown they listened to an extent.  Except for...

"Irene, are you listening?"

Adam moved over and gave her a light tap on the shoulder...only for her to slump down falling off the chair.


With some hesitation, Adam went to get her back up.........

"Why the hell is her body cold!?!"

Almost as if on cue, the robot bursted into the room.

"Come on now, surely even the idiot you are can figure out what's going on, right?  She's dead.  D.  E.  A.  D.  Pushing up daisies.  Lost her mortal coil.  Six feet under."

"Or would this be Ten billion feet over?"

"Anyways, I brought something to help you with your little thing here I'm calling the investigation file!"

It produces a tablet for each person.

"On there, you'll find basic information.  You'll need to figure out everything else on your own there."

"Good luck, buddies.  You're gonna need it."

And with that, the cyborg ran off.

The Victim is Irene Robinson.

The victim was discovered at the Gym.  The time of death was 1:37 A.M.  However, due to the nature of the case, it will be treated as if it happened during day time.

The apparent cause of death is unknown.  However, several internal organs appear to be badly damaged.

[Image: tumblr_oy6ip1FJvc1rpf6nso1_1280.png]
As always, the pink area is where the body was found.  Yellow areas are places of interest (Body location is grouped into this, so feel free to ask questions about it too).

A quick note:
To gather information, simply ask what you want to know and Cyborg 3377247 will do its best to answer your question.  It doesn't have much patience though.  If it deems a question stupid (like if answering it would reveal too much information), it'll shoot it down rather quickly. Also, if your character isn't involved in the event it happens in, then assume that you got one shortly afterwards via borg delivery.

Adam was still trying to cope with what was happening.  But it was clear something needed to be done.

After checking the information, he almost immediately ran up to Large.

"YOU!  How the FUCK could you let that thing trick you into doing something this morbid!!!"  It sounded more like an exclamation than a question.  "Do you have ANY idea what you've done?"
"as a matter of fact, Misser captain of this god foress- *hic* foresaken shhssip- Uh... Fuck what was I saying- "
He pulls out a flask, empties it, and drops it on the floor. There are 3 at his feet now.
"I'svhe gotta *burp* er - reagent scanner out'n th'bar, if somm'n pois-*huck* poisonned'er, that'd do what to know'b out it. Seen? "
Adam just looks at the spot the flasks sat down.

"...nevermind.  You probably didn't do it out of malice.  Just stupidity."

"It's quite obvious she's been poisoned. There's only one place somebody could have concocted a poison, that godforsaken chemical dispenser.  I've never seen anyone other than you behind it, and I doubt anyone else has either."

Who the hell thought putting that there was a good idea?
"Is she on fire? "
He waits.
"no? Then'wasn't me. I'mma go getta sscchcanner."

He turns to head to the backroom of the bar and fetch a Reagent Scanner.
Phoebe Buzz heads to the gym.

"There could have been another cause, there's a Janitor's Closet full of Cleaning Supplies. What if Irene's Headaches caught up to her and she took her life?"

Phoebe Buzz faces a nearby camera.

"Captainbot, if someone takes their own life, then what do we do?"
(10-21-2017, 03:27 PM)YoukCat Wrote: Phoebe Buzz heads to the gym.

"There could have been another cause, there's a Janitor's Closet full of Cleaning Supplies. What if Irene's Headaches caught up to her and she took her life?"

Phoebe Buzz faces a nearby camera.

"Captainbot, if someone takes their own life, then what do we do?"

"So you ask, and so I shall answer.  If someone committed suicide, it's still murder, they just chose a really dumb target.  Thus, as far as I'm concerned, you still need to determine that they killed themselves.  As for why that is...he he he...let's leave that for a bit and focus on this for now."
As if on cue Johnathon appears in the gym. He looks at the file and then declares. "We should check the public gardens. See if anyone had been using it."

"Also simply by looking at the yellow areas our captain has so lovingly highlighted I can assume something had to have happened in the public gardens and the bar."

Johnathon Looks at Irene, Now very dead.

"Oh and also, Did whoever just died go near any one of those areas?"
"Well shit"

Nathan eyes the body from a distance.

"Hey craptain, what are we even supposed to do if we find this murderer? Supposing it wasn't suicide"

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